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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 03/31/2012
So I met this super hot girl in the club couple of weeks back, good interaction, extremely physical, making out etc but I got cockblocked by her ugly friend lol. Anyway got her number texted back and forth for a bit and then I called her. She was with her friends doing grocery shopping but imo we had a good convo, laughed a lot etc. 10 min after this convo;

Her: Hey sorry didn't get to talk today, at my friends until tmrrw so will call you tmrrw if you are around. How was ur bbq? Whats your plans for the weekend?
Me: BBQ was great babe. didn't rain so no complains ;) Im having a night out with friends on sunday. Apart from that haven't organised anything yet. Call me when u are back maybe we can have a chance to enjoy few drinks.

It was kinda long text, kinda lame I shouldn't answer all of her questions and maybe just texted her; "Sweet call me when you are back...". Anyway called her after 2 days left a voice message, no response. Waited another 2 days and texted;

Me: Lets grab a drink tonight. You don't refuse great fun right??

No response... I don't understand how could she disappear suddenly, after invested that much. How should I lead it from there? My last text was 4 days ago and I have to be careful cause I started putting myself into the needy position.
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: How to lead it from here??
You needed to reengage her first before abruptly asking her out. Also, adding that last sentence was not good vibing.

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