how to post pics on forum (Idk know how)
How Do you post pics on the forum, doing this for help with text game.
Also I'll post something in a bit about texting this hottie but right now I got to get my pizza LOL BRB in like an hour. I'll continue here or on another thread
Can I help?
Fuck yeah you can!
The pic has to be hosted elsewhere then you click the "Image" button in the WYSIWYG editor toolbox above the text field ^, and paste the hosted link for the imae in the url field.
Oh okay makes sense lol. I just did a write up of it anyways. but nonetheless I have a feeling one cannot post this via mobile then. Either which I'ma post what I wrote up. Thanks for the help though Jon! :))
I'm gonna post the write up of the texting with this chick, and today I'll do a separate post (it truly deserves to be its on thing). Lemme get the texting stuff out of the way.
I just made a separate post for the text thread. More post (s) to come haha