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Pickup Coaching
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Ghettoguru's picture
Joined: 03/01/2012
The girl from my last thread:
hit me up Saturday late at night asking where I'm at, too bad I was 6 hours away :P
I texted her yesterday and this is how it went:

ME: *send pic of lunch* Geezez Quincy, almost $15 for this it's ridiculous.
HER: Haha it looks good tho
ME: Fuck yeah, I have a soft spot for asian food
HER: Haha definitely, I love Chinese food
ME: Yeah? Do you know of any local chinese restaurant aside Panda? I got this from the school cafe :P
HER: haha wtf? They have that on campus? The only good one i've heard of is like downtown I think and I don't even remember where it is
ME: Got to find where it's at! we're going there
HER: Hahah ok :)
ME: Cool. How does after 2pm on thursday work out for you
HER: That sounds great. But I have a section at 6 and two midterms in Friday so idk :/
ME: Haha fair enough, I'd rather hang with you when you're not stressing about school anyways :)
HER: Awesome (:

Just out of curiosity, In cases like these do you guys just straight up plow or do you let it breathe?
i left it at that, figured I would call her Friday/Saturday since i'm sure she's going to be out at these college town parties anyways.