How would you guys play this
So the other night I meet this girl at the bar. I pretty much just swoop right up to her and get close and pretend like we know eachother and we're best friends. I ahve found at this particular venue this approach works very very well. I usually just come in strong and just say, "Hey! I've missed you soooo much" and then just say a bunch of bs. This also works well at ensuring that her friends don't drag her away.
Anyways.. I lead this girl aroudn the bar a bunch, make out with her and all that. Unfortunately when it's time to pull her, logistics aren't in my favor becuase she wants to go home with her sister and my bro isn't down to wing her sister becuase she's not that hott. Fuck lol. So I told her she should come with me anyways, her sister will be fine and she's like I have to go home with my sister. I told her, that's fucked up, my gold fish just died and it's an emotional time right now, I can't be alone.... She's laughing obviously, but this shows that I have the killer instict, that i'm not a little pussy that's cool with just a number. That I'm going to push through.
Anyways, overall I would say this interaction was very, very strong. This girl was with me the whole night at the bar, introducing me to people and clearly into me.
But anyways. We text a little that night. Then the next day, I engage her and she doesn't respond. Wait a couple days, send another text and nothing. So I waited another couple days and this is what I said. Ps. This opening text has never once failed me. I stole it from manwhore because he used it on me when I was late reypling to an email LMFAO
me: It's fine I don't like your haircut anway
her: Hahaha haircut really?
me: Yes it's unbecoming. You should go with a bowl cut, it's far more befitting...dork
her: I'll take that
her: into consideration
me: I'm kidding babe, your hair is just wonderful but your texting could use a little work ;)
her: Sorry! I've been so busy all week! Between work and school I just haven't had a second to think
Now obviously that's sort of BS. If she really was into me then she would have responded. So I can't be a pussy and validate her bullshit.
So how would you proceed. I guess cracking a joke would be the way to go.
me: hahah what did your proffessor take away your cell phone privalages at school? That's messed up, want me to have a word with him? Kidding, but i'll hit you up later to hangout, you still owe me that drink ;)
I've had a dear friend pass away recently and I was hoping you could attend the funeral. His name was Golden Manlode, its my Goldfish. Services will be held in my bathroom, timing is flexible.. Will you be there for me?
You could break it up in to two or three texts, that would probably be hilarious actually lol
Holy shit! I forgot about that one lol. Yeah I made that up specifically for you, then we both realized how genius it was lol.
Bateman I think that's a really fantastic text you came up with I would send that.
Holy shit! I forgot about that one lol. Yeah I made that up specifically for you, then we both realized how genius it was lol.
hahaha you have no idea how many times I've used that!
I've gotten laid because of that re initiater.
So many times it's gone cold, I throw that trump card and then they want to suck my cock lol.