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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 08/31/2012
So I was talking with this girl in a club. Isolate her and we sit in a more secluded area. Things were going decent. I pull her close by her hands and suddenly she moves back and says "you should have asked me before doing that". I was slightly fazed but ignored it and generally continued talking with her I thought of saying "oh you are so sensitive" but I thought it would only inflame her So I didn't say that.

Things died out after that and I excused myself . What should I have done? What should have been my frame in this scenario. May be I should have turned it up and made an SOI? "Oh but you are so irrestible" something like that.
Lumpy's picture
Joined: 05/30/2012
Re: How would you handle this shit test?
The fact that she said that means you're doing something EXACTLY right.

Ignore it entirely. Keep talking. Try again in a minute or two. Yay for unreactivity.

You're the boss daddy in your interactions and you get to decide what reality is. If you want something to not exist (like a dumb shit test or you spilling your drink) then you act like it doesn't exist and she will follow your lead. If you acknowledge her resistance, it makes it real—and then you have to deal with it. Stepping on your own dick!

> I thought of saying "oh you are so sensitive"

Reacting to her.

> but I thought it would only inflame her

Totally. Criticizing her in this context (even in a joking way) won't get you any closer to your goal: her physical compliance.

> "Oh but you are so irrestible"

Reacting to her.

Comes across as justifying your actions. You don't need to justify shit.

If you wanna tell her you like her or that she's irresistible, do it *after* she complies with you in some way, as a reward for being your good lil girl.

Big shit tests need to be dealt with verbally (fucked this one up a few times recently :P) but dumb girly shit like this can be totally ignored.

> "you should have asked me before doing that"

HAHAHAHAHAHA save that for when my dick is going inside you girl.
Bad_Lieutenant's picture
Joined: 05/17/2012
Re: How would you handle this shit test?
I'm just curious,what do you consider a big shit test?
Joined: 09/26/2012
Re: How would you handle this shit test?

You could simply say "Asking for permission isn't as fun," then spank her lol
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: How would you handle this shit test?
This is a pretty standard scenario. A guy isn't a dominant enough force in an interaction, he's not the "social context", and so if he does something that a girl deems him not worthy of being able to do, she's skittish. This is apparent as well in the fact that you "excused" yourself. Like you're a kindergartener in a classroom and you have to ask the teacher to pee. I know it sounds weird but it's actually very similar.

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Joined: 08/31/2012
Re: How would you handle this shit test?
I didn't do anything special at the end. Just said nice to meet you and left. Nothing else.