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Joined: 04/25/2013
Two text conversations from last night. Well actually, one. I realised how long it takes to type all this out and just decided to include the convo with the girl I actually liked. This is my conversation with the brunette who I spent ages with in my latest FR ( She's actually really hot and I'd like to meet her again. I've mainly been using JMULV's thread about setting up dates to help with the closing parts.

Me: Oi you have my blue shirt, get me a vodka lemonade lots of icE
Her: what
Me: Dude guess what
Her: omg what?
Me: Just got Park Lane in McDonald's monopoly
Me: And I swear I have Mayfair at home
Her: I already have that
Me: £50k coming my way
Her: WHAT?
Me: Also I have your ring you forgot it what a numpty
Her: awks
Her: I bet it was Sean's and you nicked it
Me: HAHA I'll give him £50
Me: When you gonna take me London Town and get ur ring back
Her: lol out of your 50k
Her: take you?
Her: I'm taking you am I?
Me: Well if I've got £50k I'll buy you a nice chocolate ice cream you racist ;) (she told me she liked all ice cream flavours apart from chocolate and I teased her for being racist)
Her: I didn't mean it in racist way!
Her: I genuinely like actually don't like chocolate ice cream
Her: hey
Her: Rosie said hey
Me: Racist
Me: Tell Rosie I said hello
Me: How important is this ring you left with me
Her: why?
Me: Coz I've got it DURRRRR
Her: oh well idk I guess
Me: What are you doing tonight?
Her: working you?
Me: Which nights are you free this week ms
Me: I just saw pics from last night we look well grumpy awks
Her: haah, the ones I have are awful, urm next Monday and then Friday cus I'm working quite abit at the minute
Me: Ite let's do something Monday
Her: yeah okay, what?

So I haven't replied to this yet as my date game is completely non-existent and I have no idea where to go. Any ideas? Any good d2 threads I should be reading? I remember Cat had a great one?

P.S. Is there an iPhone app that can upload these texts in red and blue without me adding tags to every individual text?
Joined: 01/18/2012
This doesn't seem like a date
This doesn't seem like a date it seems like a casual meetup with friends. I'm not familiar with your history with this girl if you want to give me the quick abridged version I'll take a look. Jmulv is horrible at getting girls on dates his text game is atrocious. He's working on it but that thread of his was a bit premature. I think the real issue is man to woman communication and sexual/physical escalation, because it's obvious you DO hang out with this girl, so obviously you've had chances to do the right thing with her and didn't do it.

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

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Joined: 04/25/2013
Manwhore wrote:This doesn't
Manwhore wrote:
This doesn't seem like a date it seems like a casual meetup with friends. I'm not familiar with your history with this girl if you want to give me the quick abridged version I'll take a look. Jmulv is horrible at getting girls on dates his text game is atrocious. He's working on it but that thread of his was a bit premature. I think the real issue is man to woman communication and sexual/physical escalation, because it's obvious you DO hang out with this girl, so obviously you've had chances to do the right thing with her and didn't do it.

Me: Did you say you're free this Friday or next
Her: next Friday, not this Friday
Me: Tactless
Me: Wrong person awks
Me: Cool I'll let you know about Monday might be busy (genuine)
Her: haha okay
Me: Miss Beauty (she works in that field)
Me: What's an easy daily skin care routine to keep me looking fresh
Her: wtf, haha cleanser then moisturiser is basic routine do you use anything on your face?
Me: *picture of all my mum's skin products*
Me: I use all of these
Me: Only on Mondays
Her: there most likely your mums cos elemis pro-radiance range is for over like 30's unless your older than you said last night...
Her: and doing it only on Mondays isn't gonna do much darlin
Me: Hahaha yeah that's all my mum's stuff
Me: Na I just use that Nivea soft cream daily
Her: haha, yeah that's alright I suppose getting guys to have skin routines is like impossible so
Me: Are you any good at massages beb
Me: My neck is dying
Her: don't learn that till June though
Me: Practice on me :)
Me: Do you live in ----------?
Her: I will, and yeah I told you that haha
Me: I need one now I feel soore
Her: well I'm at work so can't do much about it now

Here's the rest. I basically met her Wednesday night was with her for about two and a half hours, lots of making out, bounced her round the club, outside and to McDonald's. Her friend was a bit of a cockblock and she seemed intent on sleeping at her friend's place, I didn't sleep with her. She seemed into me, waited outside the club for 5 minutes when her friend pulled her away and rang me to come outside, very affectionate and focused on me.

Any help would be great, cheers. Had a nap after sending the "I need one now I feel soore" and woke up at 2am so will reply in the morn.
Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Hmm, so this whole thing just
Hmm, so this whole thing just seems really unstructured.

Do you have a good idea of "basic textgame"- I would point you towards any one of my text game threads (the beginning parts up until the meetup are generally ROCK solid, top knotch examples of good text game- as well as any one of Manwhore's text threads)

Your humor is slightly off- the whole "durr" thing was just not hitting on the level you need it to- these are girls, your humor has to be different than with your boys.

If I boy does something retarded I call him a faggot and make fun of him and possibly make a mom joke... if a girl does soemthing retarded, I still rail her for it but ease back a little and add in that "soft touch" so she knows that even thought you're shittin on her it's all in good fun and she can still feel safe around you.

The moms cosmetics bit wasn't good either- you want to portray masculine polarity, not that you still live with your mom and use her cosmetics- it's a joke but conveys the wrong shit...

This ones hard to do a full breakdown for just cause it lacks any structure... if you look at Manwhore or my text game, there's a very clear structure to it and a point to the humor and a definitite direction- you can almost see the game, being played in slow motion, via text.

Also- add value- stop asking so many annoying questions- if you were texting me like this, I'd be frustrated man... you want to ADD value- when you ask questions, you're taking... brighten her day with your texts and make YOURSELF laugh.

I know this is vague and tough to implement but next time, throw up smaller chunks of your texts and I can guide you through the process and probably straight up get you a meetup if you follow my instructions... it's very easy once you understand text game.

You don't want to be a clone of anyone- but you do want to do is notice the general structure that we're using and implement THAT combined with your own, unique style.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 04/25/2013
buddhagames wrote:Hmm, so
buddhagames wrote:
Hmm, so this whole thing just seems really unstructured.

Do you have a good idea of "basic textgame"- I would point you towards any one of my text game threads (the beginning parts up until the meetup are generally ROCK solid, top knotch examples of good text game- as well as any one of Manwhore's text threads)

Your humor is slightly off- the whole "durr" thing was just not hitting on the level you need it to- these are girls, your humor has to be different than with your boys.

If I boy does something retarded I call him a faggot and make fun of him and possibly make a mom joke... if a girl does soemthing retarded, I still rail her for it but ease back a little and add in that "soft touch" so she knows that even thought you're shittin on her it's all in good fun and she can still feel safe around you.

The moms cosmetics bit wasn't good either- you want to portray masculine polarity, not that you still live with your mom and use her cosmetics- it's a joke but conveys the wrong shit...

This ones hard to do a full breakdown for just cause it lacks any structure... if you look at Manwhore or my text game, there's a very clear structure to it and a point to the humor and a definitite direction- you can almost see the game, being played in slow motion, via text.

Also- add value- stop asking so many annoying questions- if you were texting me like this, I'd be frustrated man... you want to ADD value- when you ask questions, you're taking... brighten her day with your texts and make YOURSELF laugh.

I know this is vague and tough to implement but next time, throw up smaller chunks of your texts and I can guide you through the process and probably straight up get you a meetup if you follow my instructions... it's very easy once you understand text game.

You don't want to be a clone of anyone- but you do want to do is notice the general structure that we're using and implement THAT combined with your own, unique style.

Great thanks man, got quite a bit of thinking to do. Didn't realise how bad I was with this haha. To be fair I feel my text game is normally much better, it's just this girl is really hot and I'm quite invested in it working out.
Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
I hate the word, "bad"- it's
I hate the word, "bad"- it's not "bad".. honestly, I don't even know what that means.

It lacks structure and it's a bit miscalibrated

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 04/25/2013
buddhagames wrote:I hate the
It's going better!
Joined: 06/05/2012
It's hard for me to hate on
It's hard for me to hate on this because you got makeouts from her over and over. Obviously I think making out is overrated, but still it's better than nothing. Means she at least must sort of like you, right? So my thinking is that you don't need any of these texting scenarios and what not - simply get her out with you, get your logistics down, and you can bang her.

What's keeping you guys from going back to her place? Why is she hesitant about that/cockblocking that opportunity? These are what you should be thinking about - not the texting. Logistics is everything when you get to this point with a girl.

"Why do faggots always got to kiss the girl?"