I Go Over Alot Of Girls Heads Lol
I have a hard time dumbing shit down, especially online game because I just talk in ways that while emotionally stimulating and also be emotionally intimidating. In person my sense of calibration is better because I have the person in front of me and can almost right away know how to speak to them. Still, sometimes what I think is dumbed down is still light years over their heads.
As you can tell, I’m a smart guy so I like to talk in metaphors and riddles and shit and while the girls are curious they also have nothing to reply to what I say, I go over their heads, and I will admit this is selfish on my end because all I want to do is just stimulate myself with whatever brilliant shit comes out my mouth. Not good. Pimps of old have warned us about this tendency.
Therefore, what I’m gonna do is sublimate my complex, pyrotechnical, intellectual impulses and from this create deeper and more effective structures but using a more dumbed down and easy to relate to overlay.
What I think is dumb and boring to many girls is actually still pretty smart and stimulating. See that’s my problem in game and always has been. I’m “too much”. I blame this on having attracted almost nothing but crazy ass stimulus junkie type girls throughout my life, so now I’m either TOO extreme on the sexual and wild/badboy shit OR too extreme on that magical wizard story Guru type of wave, which are two of my strongest aspects. I am actually a hell of a guy for having both of these aspects so strongly expressed in me, but they are a little polarizing for sure on their own, and in combination, not many can handle it nor relate to it, it’s almost as if (or actually is) that I’m inhabiting a vibrational frequency that is only going to attract women who are on that same hypermental yet hyperphysical/sexual type of vibration, which I KNOW there’s plenty of out there, but even most of them, I leave them in the dust intellectually and even physically as far as my sexual appetite.
I understand it’s intimidating, because I myself have encountered women who had more going in that way. I get it. Yes you’re attracted but damn you wish the person would just come down from that pedestal for a while and just come back down to earth, just for a bit so that you feel comfortable.
I gotta slow down, and dumb down. But only on the surface. I think it’s time to construct my Game in such a way that’s innately sophisticated but seems simple and relatable on the surface, at least as relatable and simple as I need it to be for the particular bitch I’m trying to have.
I’m gonna start watching more stupid ass popular and funny shows people watch and all that junk so that I learn the ingredients that people are addicted to in these programs, and sprinkle them in my Game, I gotta infuse more High Fructose Corn Syrup in my daily doses of this Game is got for these hoes mane.
Yep I generally keep it pretty kindergarten. Been a fan of sandbox game most my life lol
Yeah, it's sooooo easy to cross the line into "too smart" territory lol. Soooo easy. Basically anything which makes them think a little too much, or requires her to go into her head for knowledge that isn't there, will cause them to draw blanks, and as women, this manifests as the emotions of uncertainty, which could be cool and useful, but not when theres no comfort at all and her emotions are not being actively engaged and triggered in relevant ways. Mental blanks get drawn and defenses go ALLLL the way up. Insecurities also go all the way up. They literally feel insecure and apprehensive around you when you engage in this type of talking.
The braniac verbal shit is more for cutting them down and cowing them into submission when they get too spunky. I'm seeing that now lol.
Knock them off balance and THEN barrage with words and attacks on whatevers available.
Less cerebral and more emotional. It's gotta be that way.
WHAT?! Lol you dick
Hold on I still haven't had time to respond to your "It's not your fault this time" post, which is great, just terribly named.