Inner Game - Mindset
Anyone have any links, tips, videos, articles, etc. on the right mindset to have. Just overall inner game development.
Currently overwhelmed with college midterms. Swamped with this shit this week, but I got some down time soon and would like to learn more about inner game, confidence, values, etc. As well as get some writing I been working on done.
Any help is appreciated.
Hm, I'm curious what you think this group's "values" are. What it is we choose to focus on, etc. There's quite a bit floating around on the forum.
I value these things:
- Working towards my career, hitting the gym, and meeting cute chicks [ and trying to bang them obviously ]
- Making sure my moral compass is not compromised in order to achieve my goals.
- Being a good person but not being a door mat. That means not only to friends/family but to randoms. Just being a good dude.
- Troubleshooting areas of weakness every so often and relentlessly working on improving that.
- Having fun. Life can be a bitch as it is, but it is also very beautiful. Enjoy the process. Find the silver lining in being able to find the humor / the lesson in troubling times.
- Being afraid is ok, but not taking action because of fear is not ok.
- I value good people and don't let value leechers into my life.
- Have boundaries and enforce them. People will step on your toes and sometimes they simply just don't know better
- Don't take yourself too seriously.
- Sometimes you can't avoid a fight, so be prepared. But don't go looking for trouble. Keep yourself in line, recognize the situation and try to divert bad shit, but sometimes be ready if shits gonna hit the fan.
- Give value out. In varying degrees. Be judicial and recognize when people are your friends or when they're your really good acquintances.
- Some people are friends for a season, some people are meant to be friends for a reason. Recognize when you've "outgrown" a friend and trim the fat if necessary.
- Check your ego. Don't talk down on people. Eventually life's gonna kick you in the sack and you'll be in a position where others can look down on you.Its a shitty feeling.
- Be open minded about life. That's how you learn.
- LEARN. Have a passion for learning. A lot can be accomplished by setting goals.
- Be the man you always envisioned yourself being. Act however the fuck you want to act. [ Obviously witin the parameters of what was just said ] Own it.
- Don't be a pussy. Life gets tough, but you only life once and if you give up thats it. That's how your story was written.
- Accept that you'll make mistakes and fail. You aren't stepping outside of your comfort zone enough otherwise. Step up and fix it
- Edit: Actually a really important one that I need to work on as of more: GIVE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY. Make the world a better place, even if its at a VERY small scale. Im not saying give up every sunday but i think it's good to try to give back every once in a while.
There's a lot more but honestly I think I covered a lot.
Nice man! That's exactly what I meant by values. I been watching a lot of videos where they speak about knowing your values and staying true to them. To be honest the way I was taught to define my values was like "Health, Knowledge, Wealth, Family" etc, I thought this was vary vague and even though I may have done that. I never really defined individually what those values were. In fact, I didn't really know how to. What it felt like to me was that I was just ordering their significance and then leaving it as almost a topic.
But that example was dope. Thanks man, I'm going to dive deep into this and really start learning more about myself. I'm going to have to set aside some time and record all my values.
That's what I was trying to say MW. Was looking more so into an individual's set of values as opposed to a group's set of values.
There you go man, good stuff. Aequitas made a very insightful post as well.
In shorter terms:
no matter what keep pushing because you gotta make due with what you got. And even if you have a ton of shit to handle and you are starting to get weak, that's when it is the best opportunity to kick it into high gear.
You are aware of the importance of this so you will get it.
No I wasn't going for some sort of groupthink vibe ;) I was just trying to get you think on the topic objectively.
Keep distilling your values down (you can use these as well) till they are super simple and can be drawn from instantaneously without even thinking about them.
Thanks guys, this is exactly what I'm going to do until it's second nature for me to just know what they are. I don't want to just memorize it but fully understand and live them.
I just knocked out my first midterm, going to write this values, study and slay the next few midterms this week and then work on that article and shoot it back to you, MW.
Also, I think the fact that I understand the importance of values is going to help me get it much faster. I know without them I'd be nothing. I would just "be" if that makes sense. I feel like my values are a way to establish my boundaries and in a way a driving mechanism for me to have purpose and pursue things in life.