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Pickup Coaching
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Meow's picture
Joined: 03/27/2013

People are attracted to people that make them feel good, not people that are "cool". What you look like, what you say, and your life/financial/career circumstances are so insignificant compared to the state you project. 

The inner state that you project determines what you will recieve in return. When people feel your joy, they act out of kindness. When they feel your pain, they act resentfully.

I currently work at a grocery store deli to make money for school. Its your typical shit minimum wage job, but I try to stay present and interact with a ton of different people everyday to get something out of it. I've found that I tend to help out customers that make me feel good, I give them better prices and I am happy to do a good job on their orders. Customers that make me feel bad get shit in return, I don't give a fuck about their orders and I sometimes even charge them extra lol. Yeah its kinda fucked up, but that is my natural response to negative people. 

That is my real life example of how positive people get rewarded while negative people get punished, and it applies to all aspects of life. It is pretty damn hard to be positive and NOT feel a bunch of success and abundance.

CreamoftheCrop's picture
Joined: 04/18/2014
Definitely on the right track

Definitely on the right track with that fo sho

Always ask yourself what can you give to that person

Joined: 03/03/2013
Meowmix wrote:Customers that

Meowmix wrote:
Customers that make me feel bad get shit in return, I don't give a fuck about their orders and I sometimes even charge them extra lol. Yeah its kinda fucked up, but that is my natural response to negative people.

You know what the next step is, right?  You will learn how to absorb their negativity without it affecting you.  Some people will respond to your positive mindfulness by relaxing and some will still be difficult, but either way the only person you can control is you.  And negativity will only bring you down.  It's always your choice. 

Meow's picture
Joined: 03/27/2013
Archangel wrote: Meowmix

Archangel wrote:
Meowmix wrote:
Customers that make me feel bad get shit in return, I don't give a fuck about their orders and I sometimes even charge them extra lol. Yeah its kinda fucked up, but that is my natural response to negative people.

You know what the next step is, right?  You will learn how to absorb their negativity without it affecting you.  Some people will respond to your positive mindfulness by relaxing and some will still be difficult, but either way the only person you can control is you.  And negativity will only bring you down.  It's always your choice. 


Joined: 02/27/2012
awesome.  i really have

awesome.  i really have nothing to add except that you know better than that shit meow.  keep being grateful when the challenges come up.  be grateful for the opportunity to practice observing people WITHOUT JUDGEMENT.  keep looking for the benefit.  "how does this help me?  what can I learn from this?  how can I help here?"  if you want - turn it into a game and see how many people you can secretly make positive.

Meow's picture
Joined: 03/27/2013
jabronavich wrote: awesome.

jabronavich wrote:
awesome.  i really have nothing to add except that you know better than that shit meow.  keep being grateful when the challenges come up.  be grateful for the opportunity to practice observing people WITHOUT JUDGEMENT.  keep looking for the benefit.  "how does this help me?  what can I learn from this?  how can I help here?"  if you want - turn it into a game and see how many people you can secretly make positive.

yeah I was handling that wrong

its a good example of how he collective unconscious treats shit heads. I'm not unconscious though, so I need to stop that.

Joined: 02/27/2012
When you stop judging these

When you stop judging these people, and stay rooted within your own self-amused, present, feel good reality - watch as those kinds of people magically disappear from your reality.