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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 04/26/2013

Hey guys.
Let me start this off by saying this was my FIRST ever cold approach pick up.
In this report I actually lead it to sex.
If you knew my mindset BEFORE, this is the complete opposite.
Even after reading tons and tons of RSD shit, I would never lead a girl to actual sex.
I didn't realize it was my responsibility as the man to lead the interaction to sex.
Seriously, I thought if a girl wanted to have sex with me, then she would somehow make it happen. Haha.
Also, I wanted to "be nice" and not force a girl. Somehow I had picked up the belief that it was wrong to try and get a girl to have sex with you.
Weird huh? 
That kind of attitude =  celibacy.
Well, it's not wrong. It's what your supposed to do.
You can open a girl, hook a girl, turn on the girl, but if YOU don't lead it to sex, then it simply won't happen.
Manwhore has helped me with this through his Skype training. It's great stuff.

Here it is:

Two girls overtake me.
They're singing some song together.
I make a joke asking if this is how musicals start.
They laugh and join my pace.
We walk and talk.
These girls were BEST friends. The type that just start talking to each other giggling and making no sense.
I ask them what they're doing and they tell me they're heading to some place for food.

I tell them great, lets all go!
They're happy with that so we do.

We sit in a booth with them on one side and me on the other.
We were there for a good 2 hours drinking and eating,
It was a good time.

During that time I hadn't really gamed either one of them.
I'd been fun and charismatic but hadn't escalated.
I tell them how I have some disorder where I see everyone as the same height and ask the girl I like to stand up.
I tower over her telling her she's little and tiny, then pick her up and spin her around.
As soon as I did that it started to become one on one with her.

We finish and pay.
They're not sure what they want to do so I tell them we're going dancing.
They're resistant and my girls friend just wants to go home.
I tell them come for JUST one drink.
So they come. Hehe.

On the walk there I'm arm locked with my girl and we're flirting.
In the club I isolate her.
After a while I can tell she's hooked. 
We spend the next few hours dancing and some making out.
We're having a good time, but her friend has no guy.

Her friend starts to become really upset (something about a boy she liked not meeting her but leaving next day yada yada).
So this is making my girl upset.
"I don't know what to do Yakeyboy?"
She wants to stay and have fun with me but feels guilty about ditching her friend. Plus is worried about her.

So I handle it by empathizing with her.
I hold her and talk to her like a little girl.
I tell her I understand bla bla.
I tell her something like, "It's ooook! Your friend needs you. Everything will be ok. Go talk to her, I'll be fine".
Her face lights up and she runs off to go talk to her friend.
I dance by myself and go talk to some other girls.
I didn't want to follow her and hang around like a bad smell while they had girl talk.


Eventually I find them and she's all mopy that her friends upset and she sais something like it was nice meeting you but I think we're going to go soon because Laura wants to go.

So I agree. I say, "If Laura's upset WE need to take her home now, come on...".
I tell them we're going and lead them outside. I find us a taxi and we all hop in. The taxi driver asks where too, so she looks at me and I tell her "tell him your address".
So she does.
On the way there I try to finger her in the back but she wants none of it haha. But she wants to hold my hand.
We get to their place and go inside.
Her friend sais peace and goes straight to her room.
I take her to the shower for sexy times.
Dry off, then to her room. We fuck for a while then pass out.
We wake up early for round 2, then I catch a taxi back to my hostel hoping to get some sleep.
But it's check out time.

Joined: 01/18/2012
Awesome example of figuring

Awesome example of figuring out how to take the next step and leading their logistics to make it go smoothly. 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

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