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Learning How To Fuck Chicks In Your Social Circle

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Joined: 03/18/2012

Wanted to document my social circle adventures and receive some honest feedback from some fellow players as its something I haven't done ever since I started cold approaching back in 2008. I've pretty much been strictly cold approach and all but 2 of my lays have been one night stands.

I've actively done cold approach for 2.5 years and I feel like I'll make major strides and be more of a complete player with this stuff. Just that ability to attract and fuck a girl that you have chemistry with in any setting is all that I strive for in this game. I'm almost there. Not too far off the mark.

So what people in social circle (co-workers) say/think about me - funny, extremely witty, politically incorrect, honest, quirky, stylish (I make an effort to look my best everyday), stuck-up ( I always talk about myself and partying - no community), too cool for school and a little too outgoing.

Since Day 1 at my job - even before I mentioned a word 2 people where I worked were like "you love girls - there's a lot of them here - keep your eyes from wandering" - I was like wtf. So I've got a bit of that sort of rep as co-workers have seen me flirt with randoms at like company parties and people in other departments at company functions. I also read my text exchange to the president of the company for some panel we did on dating a while back and I've pulled one of my co-worker's roommates home (but I didn't tell anyone).

I think one good thing I've done is show girls that I don't judge them and GET IT as in I'll talk about dating and sex and communicate to them that it's natural to sleep around until you find something you like which has really got 2 or 3 girl co-workers open up to me.

One thing I need to work on is being more slightly aloof which does make you a bit higher value. But it will come.
Joined: 03/18/2012
Quick FR - Girl #1 So I got
Quick FR - Girl #1

So I got my first social circle # sometime last week from a cute stylish 7.5 that works with me. I was on the subway and she came up to me super excited, and proceeded to nervously talk and bitch about how much she hated her job where we work. I knew she liked me (her friend told me at the company party back in November) and we shared a bunch of other commonalities, and I waited nervously until we got to her elevator bank where we work to ask for her #. I asked her not to bitch about her job next time we talked, and she said she didn't know if she couldn't because she hated hers and I was like "well you better not, give me your #, you're a cute girl - I don't really do the whole co-worker thing but we won't be co-workers for long so let's hang out sometime soon. She was definitely taken aback by this. "me really? Umm.. durr..Ok".

I then proceed to send her a gamey text message the following day. Which was silly but not a biggie I give great voicemail :) so I did that a couple of days later.

Yesterday - I see her and we catch an elevator and it's just the two of us. She's like "HEY!" I'm like whats up. she asks me what I was up to. I was headed down to grab a snack because I couldn't grab lunch until 3pm. She was headed to get lunch as well. Then i'm like "so when are we getting lunch" and she's like "I'm pretty boss bitch about not doing the whole co-worker thing. I just stopped dating a co-worker for 2 years and don't feel like doing it again". I'm like thanks and then she gets off the elevator.

I was slightly butt-hurt for 5 seconds, but because I'm used to rejection it felt like getting blown out in front of everybody on the subway. Slight shame internally but I've trained myself to laugh and smile on the outer. Good behavior I've learnt - back in the day I would have been butt-hurt for 3 days. A minute later I proceeded to flirt with another girl.

Funny thing is later in the day some Brazilian girl who's on my fuck list at work gave me a full box of Magnum condoms. There's a whole story to why she did but I'd be a fool if i didn't play grab-ass with her.

Anyways, I typed this up because I'm trying to figure out and re-affirm good and bad behaviors. I'm gonna get the hang of this!!

Did i chase Girl #1 too hard - I'm thinking I should have been super aloof in the elevator because she didn't respond to my voicemail or initial text? Definitely want to hear your thoughts.

Joined: 01/18/2012
This is retarded. You did the

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 03/18/2012
^^^ Manwhore is kind of a
^^^ Manwhore is kind of a dick but i think deep down its tough love and his way of coaching. Or maybe I 'm just butthurt because I haven't meditated in awhile.

So above, Manwhore is referring to two things which I honestly failed to see (habits are fuckin hard as fuck to break - even harder for me) and Buddah pointed them out to me over chat :

1. Like my text exchanges, I'm lacking any sort of emotion in the interaction above. When I'm infield as in like when I'm in the club I always know to pump up emotions/sexual vibes then go for the isolation/makeout/pull when the emotions are at a high, and the same principles apply to social circle game and text game. A flat, emotionless "when are we getting lunch" is logically stupid and really lazy.

I could have cracked a joke, brought in some "callback humor", quick push away, and then talk mad shit and use some of that charisma I have.

2. Be patient. Sort of tied to the first example but for me there's always this rush to do this, do that. Just need to breathe and relax and take my time with shit. I'm kinda high-strung (Buddah will tell you - I'm always on edge and on a rush to get somewhere) and to honest this will kill you when it comes to game. Need to just relax and chill out and most importantly trust myself. Unwind like Alex says. I'm like the rookie quarterback that's eager to make an impression. it's like damn nigga - you been in the league for 3 years, you know bitches want to be on your team so just trust yourself.

2a. So in this case, I could have waited for another time to push for the meetup given the interaction was 2-3 minutes. Time is your ally - ESPECIALLY IN SOCIAL CIRCLE.

3. I have to really FOCUS and understand the importance of investment. For me that means watching some videos on investment and forcing myself to write down some notes in Evernote and analyze that shit. Everything else I learn, I write meticulous notes, why not with game.

Once again props to Manwhore and Buddahgames for showing me my blind spots over chat.

Can't wait to go back to work and apply some of these principles to the next chick I meet.
Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
You didn't have to wait for
You didn't have to wait for another time necessarily- just don't have the first words out of your mouth be about the meetup... make it an interaction and then have something awesome for you guys to do that isn't too "datey"

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 01/18/2012
The reason I was so upset is
The reason I was so upset is because I took close to half an hr reading and dissecting your text convo thread, citing 8 or 9 examples of what you did wrong.. and then you yo and apply the same mistake IN REAL LIFE. I was fucking pissed. Omg. You can't even apply CORRECT lessons, but hot gawdamn you can sure apply MISTAKES to other areas. Bahaha

AND.. it was in regards to your social circle question. Something I'd written you a fucking novel about a WEEK ago.


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
The anger is just another
The anger is just another indication of the intensity of your love.

Much more authentic than feeling nothing. I approve

But at the same time- if you're going to tell me that there isn't something more underneath any "anger" you may feel, you're lying. Anger is a super shallow emotion but at least it's "manly"- if only because like 90% of the male population sucks donkey balls at feeling any sort of emotion, which somehow makes it, stupidly enough, probably relatively "high value" in a social situation-especially around dudes...

A lot of leaders use anger as a tool, which I actually find really interesting

Personally- my way of leading is COMPLETELY different (not better or worse)- On reflection, I've noticed that I often bring the entire interaction/group to a place that it's never been before, emotionally-which creates a CRAZY bond (like you've never seen before)... When I was giving my speech at my old fraternity- I cried during my speech because I was so passionate about getting the position. I won the election by a landslide

I obviously have a ton of anger but, especially when I am in a leadership position, I make an effort to get past it and connect on a different level- obviously this has it's downsides which are things you've helped me with- such as people getting too close and thus losing respect for me but I've worked on that and I believe that this style of leadership can still be VERY effective without a loss of respect.

The times when I've felt the most anger in my life have all been the times when I was covering up a shitton of pain and it usually was followed by a period of relative sadness.

And for all of that being said- you're one of the most stable dudes I know, so obviously you got your shit on lock, just interesting how there are different ways of going about this kinda stuff. So I just wanted to qualify what I wrote here with that.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 01/18/2012
I agree. The whole thing was
I agree. The whole thing was also alcohol-fueled ;b

I like your style and I see many amazing things in your future. I am also always always always learning different ways of leading more effectively.

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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