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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 03/31/2012
Ok met this chick in the club on saturday. Cockblocked by the fat friend but I managed to get her number. Recently I am working a lot on expressing myself and it started working I have been chatting with quite a few hotties. You know that back in the day I couldnt even get a response;

Me: Hey girl this is hkmt. Lets see whether u are cool enough to remember me...
Her: Hey lucky for u I do remember!!! U ok did u have a good night?
Me: Im good, surviving with 3 hours sleep lol. Gonna watch USA game in a pub. What u up to this eve? (she was into me so I wanted to seal the deal asap)
Her: Really I have slept all day!! My head is killing!! Just having a bbq
The next day
Me: U slept all day u lazy??? Damn even yesterday I slept only 4 hours and hitting the gym now
Her: I know I got a new job and don't start until oct so got loads of time off so being really lazy and making the most of it!! Im impressed did you have a good day?
Me: Well my mentality is; work hard party harder!! I was quite busy today at work then had a great session in the and now I am doing this
Me: *Picture of my current situation, books, take away kebab and my laptop was on the desk, watching Louis CK* Chilling babe!!
Her: Sounds good to me:) where do you work? Looks good babe enjoy!!
The next day
Me: I am a trader... Trader at billingsgate fish market :P
Me: Im highly uneducated so thats the only place I could get a job lmfao

No Response

Basically I didn't wanna tell her my job straight away cause I have a masters degree in a major uni in England and I am a trader in a major bank so it could easily be understood as qualifying. hence I preferred to play with it a bit but she didn't respond. Do you think she took it serious? Tomorrow I am planning to text;

":)) I can't believe u take it serious. I am a trader in a bank babe. What is ur new job all about?" And take it from there. Thoughts?
Joined: 08/13/2012
Re: Louise from club....
I'm affraid she took it serious as so did I when I first read it. I don't know of a good comeback and think you just should wait for the advice of the advanced.
Joined: 03/31/2012
Re: Louise from club....
Gidi;1053.7664;241 wrote:
I'm affraid she took it serious as so did I when I first read it. I don't know of a good comeback and think you just should wait for the advice of the advanced.

I am not too sure cause she she saw me, she knows that i dress class, when i sent the pic i assume she saw a bit of my apartment, laptop etc... I mean there are loads of indicators that I live in certain standarts. Also who on earth describes himself as uneducated?? Despite all these facts, if she took serious oucchh we have got work to do :))
Joined: 03/31/2012
Re: Louise from club....
I think my comeback seems to be ok. Non needy and carries on the convo. Thoughts??
Joined: 03/31/2012
Re: Louise from club....

Me: Hahaaa I can't believe you take it serious. Im a trader in a bank babe. Whats ur new job about?
Her: Soz been really busy last few days! You ok? I don't care what you do I'm not like that as long as its a job!! I m a children's nurse
Me: Good girl!! Thats the answer I have been looking for :) tell me ur plans for the weekend :)
Me: If we can arrange, I will take u out for a drink ;)
Her: Hey Im with friends for the next week so not around but possible next weekend or next week if you are free what u up2 this weekend
Me: (the next day) Ohh babe had an amazing party at xxx yesterday, came home at 7am lol and today Im rolling to xyz. What are ur plans for tonight?
Her: Sounds good check you out party animal ;) my friends coming over not sure what we are doing yet meant to be going on hold next month so hopefully sort out don't think it will be anything crazy its too hot just sunbathing what u doing tonight?
Me: Im rolling to xyz, keep sunbathing babe, tan lines always turn me on ;)
her: Have a good night:) haha you will have to see mine then
Me (2 days after, I was extremely busy to reply) I hope u had a bit more sunbathing yesterday. Im telling u babe, if the bikini lines are not that obvious, I wouldn't count it.. ;)

No response... How can I reengage it? Should i carryon with the tan andy sunbathing or should I reengage with smoothing else, maybe her job etc? Any suggestions
Joined: 03/31/2012
Re: Louise from club....
any advice?
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Louise from club....
You need to lay off the double texting and let her come back first. You're eating away at your own value in her mind. In many instances it's ok to double text but this is the exact scenario where it is not.

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