Manwhore, I have an idea to throw at you...
Have you ever thought about putting an instant message system on your page where members can speak to each other real-time?
Or would that cut into your coaching business? Maybe you could add that to your list of services for people who can't afford or don't need to get the full blown training, where they could pay you or someone you hire to get quick advice?
Just an idea I thought I might toss your way...
Brilliant. Bump up the mw membership price and add this feature
'k I see.. I've considered that idea many times, BUT.. that's about the clearest way of implementing it I've ever seen. Will look into it immediately. Who would you guys like to see offering this service on the forum? E.g. it wouldn't just be me lol.. there are several other qualified guys that could help you guys out with this.
I meant you could do both. You have an IM system where we can get tips from other members and you have your thing where you do paid coaching yourself or through a few trusted people.
I was thinking it might bring in some people who can't necessarily afford to pay for a full coaching session or just need a pointer here and there.
But doing the paid side of it is something I would be extremely careful about, since it could possibly take away or possibly add to, your regular coaching. You don't want to lose out on bucks chasing after pennies.
Isn't this exactly the same thing as posting on the forum? or simply PMing someone?
I mean, you can see when people are online. The only way I see this being additionally helpful is that you could see the little typing in progress image at the bottom. It might be cool, but I would think there are other more beneficial things that could be added to the site.
The only reason I brought it up was cuz someone sent me a PM asking if I had an IM. I assume for some advice. I really only use Facebook's IM and I didn't want to give out my FB info.
I've brought this up before over a year ago. From an economic standpoint, doing both would serve best imo. A communal one where people can just shoot the shit, and then a paid one where Manwhore still benefits from having a core set of guys offer advice. Plus I think it'd be cool to be able to actually chat with people here without doing the whole pm thing. And there's also group dynamics when ' the boys ' are shooting the shit. Not trying to advocate circle jerk keyboard jockeying shit, but it'd be nice to be able to post up on the site on a late Sunday and shoot the shit.
This would also be great for last minute advice. Say you got a girl over your place and she's being difficult or you need a quick txt reply, you could hit up the message board and get a quick answer
The IM feature would be really useful since guys usually want immediate replies to specific texts.