Meditation and Sexual Energy
Anyways, for the first few weeks when I'd started meditating- there was a period when the energy I felt I was feeling circulating was actually causing a physical sensation, a very good fucking sensation.
I noticed a trend in the fact that it was moving from head to pelvic floor/abdominal and back again in a cycle. I'd be on the verge of popping boners son- no sexual thoughts, all sensation. Had me thinking about tantric meditation and the like.
Doesn't happen as often now- but it was pretty cool. Just curious as to what ya'lls thoughts on the connections are.
Honestly, my experience is all of 3 months. Haha.
I've dabbled in meditation, done my own research. The only thing I could consider formal training is having taken a year of hapkido- short bursts of meditation closing session.
I have researched buddhist energy flow though- and did find there are two 'centers' in line with those where the sensation rooted from. Sacrum, at the pelvis, and Crown, at the head. Think i'll look into tantra a bit more- seems to be the right subject area. Never been a practising buddhist- so i'm not sure of the significance.
I remember reading something about full body orgasm in a man paralysed from the waist down as well- interesting shit.
Closest I've come to tantric is having two orgasms in a row (busted two gigantic nuts too- both on her face), and fucking while high.