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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 05/27/2012
waddup, ain't seen you fellas in a while

anyway, did some improv daygame today and stopped a hottie. Told her she looked interesting, told her that she's peacocking (girl looked all colourful and shit). Told her to guess my name, then eventually whispered it into her ear.

She said she doesn't ever give out her number, i was like "i'm black, it's cool". It was all swell except i should've taken her to the shopping centre and made this a SDL. Anyway text her 5 hours later and i'm not sure she remembers me - although this was on WhatsApp, and i'm in my army uniform which is totally different to how i looked before but wateva

Me: so did Apple fix you up ;) (her phone was messed up)
Her: Who's this
Me: black guy from oxford circus
Me: you kept telling me how fucked up yer iphone is
Her: Ok lol

i hate minimalist texters. although admittedly the callback humor was weak. MANHULIO, WHAT WOULD YOU ADVISE MY FRIEND
Joined: 01/18/2012
The big secret is you never
The big secret is you never answer the "who's this" with a straight answer. It's like text game death.

"This is your doctor. You have to come see me immediately I have news"

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Joined: 05/27/2012
yh, never goes too good when
yh, never goes too good when i do that.

it's like
"knock knock"
"who's there?"
"Me. Gogo, let me in"

Dead ^^

Anyway, showed her a pic of some pug, said it was mine and that it died 3 days later haha i think it got her all emotional. I'll proceed to do normal game from here on out
Joined: 05/27/2012
haha yeah, kinda messed it up
haha yeah, kinda messed it up once i sent her a pic of my baby nephew.
she was like "cute"
i just wrote "thanks. he's gonna be a heartbreaker with an ass like dat" - think she took it the wrong way lol
an hour later i tried to calibrate "lol just kiddin that sounded better in my head"
Joined: 10/15/2012
The baby's ass joke is a
The baby's ass joke is a little far off in left field.
You'll learn this shit as you go.
I gotta laugh out of this for sure lol

Big Cat

Joined: 05/27/2012
Me: the sun is out. i feel
Me: the sun is out. i feel like edward cullen
Her: Lol
Me: i'm gettin drunk tomorrow
Me: come join me and make sure i dont do anything stupid
Her: I'm off to Mallorca Tmr
Me: interesting..
Me: what are yer plans tonight
Her: Packing
Me: *send disapproving Patrick Bateman image*
Her: ?
Me: I'm going to your house and carrying you over my shoulder to do something more fun than that
Her: Lol
Me: meet me at oxford circus by 10
Me: we'll only hang out briefly
Me: cause i understand you need to rest before mallorca
Her: Lol
Her: I went out last night
Her: I'm exhausted
Me: don't worry. i'm very boring (this made me laugh, tried to make it sound low key but it probably wasn't the best choice of words)
Me: we won't do anything crazy
- tried ringing at this point and she doesn't respond
Me: ill even bring my stamp collection along to show u ;)
Problem here is that there isn't the pending threat of her getting fucked behind a dumpster. Needs more grrrrrr
Joined: 03/30/2012
It looks like you're going
It looks like you're going for the meetup when:
1). She clearly has something pending(i.e. packing and prepping for her trip)
2). She hasnt really invested yet
So, its obvious she isn't responding to meeting up. Go back and just banter. Forget about the meetup for a bit. I feel like to toughest part is staying patient and bantering, when that instant self-gratification part of your brain just wants to go for the meetup and possibly get a positive response. You know if you look at this neutrally it won't happen, so listen to the objective side and do what that says.
Perhaps wait a day or two, let this cool off and reinitate, and then banter. 
Joined: 05/27/2012
update - this girl is still

update - this girl is still laconic as hell

Me: hey i think i'm pregnant with your child

Her: Lol

Me: fuck you. how am i supposed to look good in my v neck now

Her: Ha

Me: i've been doing yoga for the last week

Me: ...pregnant yoga

Her: Ok

*i send a picture of my yoga card*

Me: i can't even touch my toes :/

Me: be my partner in crime on sunday. i want ice cream and white wine

Her: i'm working

Her: Whole weekend

Me: damn

Me: would've been funny seeing you have a brain freeze

*i see a missed call from her later after my power nap

Me: why did u try ring me earlier

Me: you know i don't speak to blondes

Her: By accident

lol what do? i wanna fuck this little model hottie

Joined: 01/18/2012
Don't go overreactive when

Don't go overreactive when you write a great text and she gives you a response like "lol". She's just sitting back being entertaining you, pulling the "lol" string, and you dance for her. 

You know anything about this girl? What she's into, what she does, where she goes out. I mean.. I see no common ground being broken here. 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Joined: 05/27/2012
yh that's exactly what's

yh that's exactly what's missing. no rapport

how should i get some rapport going? maybe ill flip her this: "how long have you had yer dog for anyway? show me pics and ill chuck him a scooby snack"

Joined: 01/18/2012
Also, it wasn't a good idea

Also, it wasn't a good idea to try to win her over with a stamp collection after she was already not wanting to come. It cheapened the whole thing. Make it about you and her having a fun experience and sharing some fun, but don't make it about something so superficial and valueless, LOL. What's that say about your value? Haha 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Joined: 01/18/2012
Well she went on a mallorca

Well she went on a mallorca trip. I know I would honestly want to know about that. I'd already have questions formed for someone who'd visited an island I didn't know about as I'm interested in travel myself.. this way your rapport development comes off very natural and even high value. 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Joined: 05/27/2012
yh all good points. i could

yh all good points.

i could really feel the vibe with this one. like, i might say something great then another thing which is awesome and then i kill it with someone lame...other girls usually give me more to work with in terms of investment so it's not a biggie, but with a chick like this who thinks you gotta jump hurdles for her i don't really know when enough is enough.

ah well reference experience. suppose ill cool off and reinitiate later during the week - it's funny cause i actually don't give a shit about any of this but i'm just following the process to see how well i handle different parts of game.