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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 02/27/2012

Sup guys, here's a neat little trick I learned from my investment mentor.  His business mentor is a billionaire and taught him this exercise to generate more income.

What this exercise does is get you to stop focusing on costs and expenses in your life and develop a natural ability to look at things from a profit minded perspective.  To think the same way a billionaire does - you switch your RAS from liabilities & expenses to assets & income.
Take 5 things in your life right now that are monthly expenses - something that you have to pay for every month.  Doesn't matter what it is, just if you are spending money on it every month.  From those 5 things, create a list of 3 ways that you could possibly generate an income from it.  Contemplate, how much money could I make if this or if I did that.  For example, I could use my truck to start a delivery business, haul junk and recyclables around, help people move, etc.  You don't have to go out and do this, but just consider these things and train your mind to keep the energy flowing.

What you ultimately want to do is take every single thing in your life that is a liability, and monetize it.  This includes cars, memberships, mortgages, etc.  Basically anything that costs money, needs to be making money.  Go through everything in your life that is costing you money and consider how they could possibly generate an income for you.
Train yourself to focus on Profitability in your life - possible monetization strategies - rather than Expenses.  Anytime you go out and buy something, like a $1500 dining room table, don't focus on the expense, think of ways you could possibly generate an income with it.  This billionaire takes it really far, like he'll be in a room and analyze how the sofa is creating him money by allowing him to sleep less at night and be awake more - he constantly thinks of money making strategies.  What this essentially does is reprogram your way of thinking - when you can see money in everything, money naturally becomes easy to attract in your life.  (by the way, billionaires are fucking crazy with the way they think... takes a massive amount of discipline and mind power)
This exercise has benefits on many different levels.  By contemplating different questions you train your brain to overcome being stuck.  Find other successful people to mastermind with as it will help open your mind to new perspectives.  For example, I couldn't think of many practical ways to generate an income off my electric bill - I asked in one of my mastermind groups and came up with installing extra solar panels on the house and rent out that electricity to Edison.
I used to do this with business partners I worked with - we were opening local restaurants and during the times we were out scouting locations or finding ideas, our conversations were always breaking things down and looking at why they were there and how they make money.  If you can find friends like that or surround yourself with other entrepreneurial minded people, it can be a very powerful thing.  Just be careful whose opinions you let in your mind as most people do not think successfully.
This sounds harsh, but if you desire to be successful you must learn to cut people out of your life who are unsuccessful or do not benefit you. Stop watching television, stop reading the news, stay away from social media.  Surround yourself with successful people - not people who speak about becomming successful, talk about this or that - I mean people who take action and have ALREADY achieved success.  Cut friends out of your life, you can keep your old friends, but limit your time around them.  People who are unsuccessful will unconsciously pass along destructive thought structures to those who are seeking success.  You have to be very present and monitor every little thought when you are interacting with unsuccessful people.  Do not take counsel from anybody except those who are already successful - everything else is opinion and has no benefit to your life.
So try this out right now.  5 things that cost you money & think of 3 ways for each that you could make money instead.  Keep up this kind of thinking for awhile and watch your income grow ;)

Infinity's picture
Joined: 09/18/2013
Medical Insurance -- Sell my

Medical Insurance -- Sell my body on the street.

LOL awesome post.

In all seriousness, I did it. One interesting thing I came up with was paying for gas for my truck. You can use it to collect steel and other metal and sell it to scrap yards. I went on craigslist and saw stuff like old mobile homes that people want removed. ALOT OF STEEL THERE. The prices of steel, brass, aluminum, and especially copper are pretty high last time I checked


Five guys nuts-ta-butts in a van.

Infinity's picture
Joined: 09/18/2013
OK. I had a neat little idea

OK. I had a neat little idea regarding this post that I thought I would share. I've been really successful with it.

How to monetize your grocery bill and eat like a king.

I used to donate whole blood at the Red Cross on a regular basis. Just cuz I'm a cool guy like that. But recently I've been going down to the plasma donation center and getting paid for it. For my weight class they pay me $35 a donation and I can donate a max of 2 times every 7 days. That's a max of 8 donations a month.

8 x $35 = $280.

I go at times when I can reduce the wait and limit my time spent to a little over an hour. 8 hours of my time for $280. Which I turn around and use solely to buy food so I stay in good nutritional health (and am physically able to make the donations). It's also nice that I live near the donation center and don't have travel time involved.

The result... I eat extremely well for the equivalent of a day's work.


Five guys nuts-ta-butts in a van.

Joined: 06/04/2012
Yeah I used to donate plasma

Yeah I used to donate plasma too. Decent source of income especially when you're in school.