The Most True Expression of the Game in a Music Video EVER.. (watch for a couple subtle cues on what's REALLY going on)
I will wait to reply on this one...I want to see what the boys think
Appreciating her qualities? knowing you attract what you are...the thing that sets you apart from the others is that you're non-judgmental and just have a kickass time with her. But at the end of the day you're still the bossdaddy she's gotta luv.
am i warm?
Don't really know. I hate jamie foxx
What I took from the vid:
Treat her like your kid sister. Make a bubble where no one else exists especially the hubby. Make her feel like a little kid again. Get your own mail even though you're banging rich. If a girl can down that many hot dogs, just imagine what she could do with your sausage.
Is ghost riding popular again?
Haha love it!!