My Day 2 Woes -- Anyone here have a high close rate on day2 ?
the bane of my dating life is probably my day2s.
I don't know how advanced you are Boss, but I've had the same problem before. For me... it helps me a lot to have a ton of structure. I'm not one of those super advanced guys that can improvise as they go along from start to finish yet. Without the structure I have no goal and just flail about and have the same symptoms you're having.
Have the whole thing planned out before-hand. And plan it out backwards. Here's a simple version of mine that I've been pretty successful with.
5. Sex (endpoint)
4. in the bedroom or the couch
3. my house
2. swimming in the pool or jacuzzi if possible <-- this point there has to be a good makeout, I've also just done the shower instead and skipped to sex before. It seems like everything is easier when wet.
1. Open or D2 (startpoint)
Obviously you don't have to go through ALL the steps. If she's DTF at any point, by all means, skip to the end...
I got this from Adam Lyons. He has a really good vid on youtube he did for The 21 Convention about closing and he pretty much plans every intimate detail out before hand. The lighting in his house, the music, how clean the house is, the path to his house. EVERYTHING.
Hope that helps ya
Yeah I get laid on 9/10 of my first dates. Your issue(s) are pretty obvious.. if you're doing any of the things you mentioned in that first paragraph, you're not going to get laid on a first date.. you're not even starting at ground zero, behavior like that is way below the curve.
Have you read my lay reports? There's probably twenty or so first date lays in there. Hit the home button then click on the "50 Shades of Manwhore Grey" button.
You need to start out dates with a kiss on their face. You have to lead the date from the start. You have to broach the topic of sex very matter of factly but indirectly. If you can't handle these, the only girls you're going to be able to lead to sex are the super horny or fat ones.
Uggh I can't believe you're crediting adam lyons with that SuperV.
I'm sorry dude... I wasn't too keen about putting that on your forum. Was trying to help with what I know. But I didn't want to be a deuche and spout stuff I got somewhere else without referencing, as if I came up with it 100%.
Naw man I meant something else. Nevermind
Oh man this sounds like how my day2s normally go. Now that MW is kicking my ass every week, that's gonna change. Nice to know I'm not the only fairy princess who is starting to man the balls up.
ok that makes sense, - i am going to have to read more of your field reports.