Naturals acting like ridiculous fags...
Oh these guys are awesome. This reminds me of my buddies and I back in the day we would tear up dance floors like you wouldn't believe. Uggh I miss those days I haven't had anything that good for years and years but hopefully I got something like that forming soon :). We'd have a ring of girls form around us watching and laughing at our antics. But we were actually excellent boogiers these fools are lopsided monkeys !
Man, I know what you mean. I've had a few nights out like that where it was just crazy stupid fun. Those are the times when you just can't help winning, like you can literally do your best to fuck up but it's IMPOSSIBLE.
When I'm out with my older brother we do similar stuff and have the most fun in the enviroment.. It's funny how often girls approach when you're having more fun than them.
Oh these guys are awesome. This reminds me of my buddies and I back in the day we would tear up dance floors like you wouldn't believe. Uggh I miss those days I haven't had anything that good for years and years but hopefully I got something like that forming soon :). We'd have a ring of girls form around us watching and laughing at our antics. But we were actually excellent boogiers these fools are lopsided monkeys !
holy shit, true that! I hadn't occurred to me until just now to what extent my friendships used to be so carefree. To a great extent its probably just being younger, but to an equal extent its gotta be a matter of letting life make you wiser while not making you guarded and robbing you of your youthful carefree energy
I was thinking about it the other day while I was driving and I can DEFINITELY think of examples of older men expressing this kind of energy.
I've mentioned one of my friends on here before, the criminal defense lawyer who used to be a legit circus clown. He's in his 50's but he definitely has this kind of energy. I was in court with him once and he was wearing a Winnie the Poo tie, and I saw at least three women compliment him on his tie. He'd say, "THANKS! Just keep it to yourself though, I don't want anyone to know I have Poo on my chest." He brings that unnassuming, child-like, positive, "circus clown" energy to the courtroom but also has a very hard, killer mastery.
Yeah we do that alot. But i'm also a good dancer so i also enjoy just dancing on the dancefloor without being silly. Alotta girls approach when we do that too.
Sometimes we'll take over the club and form a huge cirlce and have fucking dancebattles and shit. So fun.
Dude I LOVE the dancefloor. It's the best way to have a great night, for me at least. Cholo, you might be missing the attitude there tho. Try doing some ridiculously silly shit. It's about CUTTING your worrying about all that BS judgment that people project at you.
I just realized the movie Patch Adams, with Robin Williams is ALL about this... like in the beginning where he does the "social deviation" experiment. And then the problems he runs into by being a social deviant.
Yeah it's about getting your boogie down not getting points. We would dance as different characters. Like Abe Lincoln or Martin Luther king. Really hilarious and retarded