Need your honest opinion.. what do y'all think of this guy and his site?
Looks pretty meh.
His sales pages only have videos, no text. The whole thing looks to me like some natural guy who can do game, but can't teach. His products have no description, so you have no idea what you're buying. I don't see anything about drills. His coaching program starts at 18k (starts!).
His articles look generic. I wouldn't spend time on this dude unless someone else I trusted told me he was legit. Even then, I would never buy his coaching.
If I was some unknown dude trying to start a business, I would be doing everything I could to stand out and offer something new. This guy doesn't look like he even has basic business stuff down.
I do like the "as seen on" at the top though. It looks as if it gives the page a bit of credibility, but that's taken away by everything else imo. Otherwise I'm not a fan.
I dont like how hes running game on the customers in his videos. I prefer a more genuine sales pitch.
He looks like a douche in his vids tbh.
Obviously looks really rsd nation nation like with aggressive marketing to guys like us cuz we are used to having a more genuine coach :)
Otherwise it looks like a good site, kinda in your face with the marketing but interesting. The guy looks like he's putting himself out there with a cool vibe.
you thinking about something similar?
Looks like he's got a pretty good set up, marketing wise and bringing value. I just don't think there is true value that he can bring.
Basically he's got popcorn muscles.
Yeah you guys pretty much nailed it. This guy came out of nowhere and is KILLING it. His products are complete bullshit, he takes a movie like Casino Royale, creates a product out of it based on "Daniel Craig's TOP SECRET BODY LANGUAGE Techniques" and sells the shit out of it in his email marketing funnel. KILLING IT and he's 100% fraud, selling clickbait product titles to the masses. 100% pure marketer with a rooster haircut. He is not a coach, just a money maker. I'm getting to a point where I can't hate.
I saw him getting recommended in one of David Shade's newsletters. Man, I can't tell you how much shit David Shade recommends, even though I think his products are top notch, I've lost SO much respect for him for this shit he pours out. And yeah, that Jason dude seems more leaned towards making money than actually coaching.
I can't take a coach seriously if he doesn't give specific drills.
That first little "zinger" he throws at you really rubs me the wrong way.
I'd also hate it if I were a fan of the site and have to deal with that video each time returning.