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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 01/31/2012
So i limit myself to going out once a week till dec 1st which is the day i take the lsat. Old chick i smashed hit me up to meet up with her at the bars, decide to pass. Homie. Hits me up and wants to rage, just so happens to be at same spot old chick is at. Meet up, shes with hot girls. ( much hotter than her ) fuck yea, we got a base and a potential upgrade. Her sorority sister yells at me and says i liked her fb shit today, runs over and gives me a hug. Shes decent, but obviously has no game. Post up and order a long island. Meet up with base group and old slam piece doesnt really know the hotter girls so warm introductions are out of the question. Were off to the side with slam piece rather than hitting these chicks up. So fucking gay. Slam piece tries to hook up - not down. Finallllllly my boy swoops in to hit on these hot girls cuz i was sober and scurrred. ( DD ) Hits her with direct shit, i go for the hot happa to the side. Its DEFINITELY on. But not like blazing imma fuck you on, but more of a calm were interested in each other but no expectations on. Banter back and forth and im just being the playful dick that i am. Find out she went to my school, shes stoked on that. I go for high five, she reaches and i purposely just move my hand away so she misses - kinder garden shit. She grabs my face and calls me a dick. Just smirk, no need for a response. Chat a bit. Her dude coworker comes in and im chill with him, she introduces us. My boys girl tries to drunkenly make out with him, he passes. He tells them to take care of her cuz shes too drunk. She was legit blacked out. As girls head inside, dude makes a comment like my boy doesnt got it.

Me: Lol nah dude, we can swing those two. Theyre down.

Like the way i said it was matter a fact, this isnt up for debate.

He makes no comment. Just kindve stays quiet. Fb like girl latches onto me and tries to whisk me away to a different bar - not down. I got my eye on a stunner tonight. Not settling for cute. Me and my boy find them probs 20 min later but man they arent even having it. SUPER cold. He tries to grab number and i try to hit up my girl - neither of them are having it. I felt like dude for sure tried game killing us, and the girl being shitfaced didnt help. Whatevs find out girl and i have a friend in common. Shes friends with pool girl's friend from my thread. That girl has set me up with two of her girl friends in her immediate circle so we'll see if she can get her to chill and ill do the rest. See old slam piece, shes dancing with some dude. She tries to give me attention, grabs onto me, and whispers in my ear. Just tell her to do her thing and have fun. She realizes im not down and sticks to her guy for the night. Chalk the night up at 2am and call it a night. Happy i didnt settle for decent, shouldve asserted myself with those hot girls earlier on in the night.
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: newps bar scene
@Aequitas: Also, despite not going out much I don't feel like I'm regressing or anything like that. If anything, i feel so much more entitled due to how productive and busy I am. Live on my own so I work 40-50 hrs + 20-25 hrs of studying for lsat per week + gym 4x week + i eat healthy as fuck now. Super proud of just manning the fuck up and just handling shit. Its rough, but this is the shit that grows hairs on your balls.
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: newps bar scene
Cool man good report.

There's a difference in what's considered "high value" outside of college. You have to be able to throw down a bit outside the college scene. Use the mouthpiece. Everything in college is already "said". Not in the outside world, or at least not until you're set up. Great sense of self tho. Awesome

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Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: newps bar scene
@Manwhore: Yeah, entitlement issues off the approach stifles me. Once the ball is rolling I feel good and basically give myself permission. Yeah, my life goals are far more important than macking on chicks. Once this bloody test is over with, I'll be hitting it hard. I'm at a point where I'm seriously just fucking OVER half assing shit or just not commanding the respect i deserve. Ever since i donked it with that feisty chick, all ive been thinking is how I didnt assert myself. Like boundaries are seriously lacking in my life. Afraid to say no out of fear of losing the girl. Retarded because i end up losing the girl anyway lmao. I feel like a parasite, latching onto the girl. Its SUPER subtle, but its there. I should be willing to walk away - matter a fact, I SHOULD be walking away. Really zeroing in on myself is illuminating these blind spots, along with reading this forum. I dont even hit rsd anymore up anymore. No more mediocrity. At least settling for mediocrity. If i try and fail, well fuck, im happy i did the best i can do. But being complacent and semi successful creates this false illusion that youre a boss, when really youre just a punk whose too scared to lay it all on the line. its like every time I settle for a cute chick, versus the REAL bad ones im just doing myself a disservice for instant gratification. Thats whats been ticking in my head lately.
Joined: 08/09/2012
Re: newps bar scene
Looks like you got all yer priorities and goals straight (very nice).
Only thing i have to say is dont talk to chodes or other scrubs about girls at all. knowing game n all this shit, you know exactly where you are in this interaction and that little chode just thinks yer being a cocky asshole so he probably cockblocked you in some way. When chodes talk to me about girls i just respond with one word answers haha

Chode=" those girls wont fuck they're too prude"
Pimps= "right"

Chode=" dude you creeped those girls out by just grabbing them and dancing with her"
Pimps- "oops"

Even when you're doing awsome they'll try to act like yer fucking up cause they just cant accept the fact that we can walk up an talk to whoever we feel like.
I was surprised by the sneaky ways they try to cockblock me when they talk about me to girls I was having a good interaction with.
Just dont even aknowledge those fuckers. They make little impact on the environment so theres no need to share information with them about you, you're interactions, or any other aspects cause they'll just use it against you. Its pretty easy to pick out who the cool dudes are even the ones that aren't good with girls.
But when a fucker make any kind of negative comment like that that has nothing to do with him,
keep him out of you're reality.
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: newps bar scene
@Durrcity - Nah real talk dude wasnt like a straight chode. Its possible that he's hooked up with her, but even if he hasnt it was obvious that he was into her. Yeah, for the most part its best to just let haters hate. Though I try not to dismiss something if its fairly frequently being brought up - could potentially be something to work on.