Night Out
Last night was very good times. First, I'd like to say thank you to Manwhore for being generous, hospitable, and listening to my girl problems. It was a very intimidating group, because I could tell right away, right away, that I was in the company of some PUAs.... that were very good at what they do, among others that may need some help. And although I have an interest in related communities, psychoanalytic circles, alternative lifestyle groups, and so on... I have not given much attention to today's seduction art. So, I thank you Manwhore and the other PUAs and I regret that I was not more prepared, or had an opportunity to review some of the various PUA material, because then I would have been protected, less vulnerable, and better able to engage myself, etc. So thank you, thank you...
I only wish that every night out in Vegas was and will be just as rewarding as last night. One thing about the night struck me though.... It was a conversation I had with my wingman. I can't share everything, and I will link him to this post.. He is welcome to go on about the specifics of other things, what happened with the girls... Who put what where, what the girls looked like....... etc.
But what I found striking is that when discussing what kind of girls we should go for and what we loved about women that we've been with, I asked him if it was because of who a girl is, her uniqueness, singularity, etc, or is it because of her characteristics and qualities (she is funny, fit, submissive, etc)?? His answer was that it is the latter. This question comes back to me often, and since last night I've given it more thought, but most importantly, and to be brief.. His reply was what you want from your wingman.
Lastly, I'd like to share one PUA tip, something to be aware of as I've been for many years, when it comes up, even if you can't necessarily use it at will, and kind of do my part to contribute something that can be helpful to others. Though, I would not recommend abusing this knowledge, because it is purely situational. And to give it a name, I will call it getting 'time-fucked'
Last night I made a strange comment about liking 'lines'. What I meant was that I think lines are a great place to run game. That is, opening a set while waiting in a line for a club, concert, etc.... Now, I am an idiot because there are seperate lines for guys at XS or all the 'HBs' get ushered in through the guestlist or some other magic....... But my point was valid and an affect of one of the fundamental natural laws of psychology (Lacan). To be clear, when your experience of time is slowed down, (you are waiting in a line, for the bus, end of a work shift, etc) then your desire increases. Obviously, the same is true for the other person in line with you and the opposite is also true. Time speeds up when you're having fun.
Similarly, it's often said that living in a big city (like Vegas) where there's a lot going on, then changing to a small town will affect your desire, etc. I've never been camping, but from what I know this seems pretty ideal if you're desperate, according to my time-fuck theory. I know there are many great and small things that can change one's experience of time, from having to wait in line, to booze, and if you are interested, you may apply your own categorical imperitives once you're conscious to seeing this at work for yourself!
Hey man you were over at my house yesterday with the rest of the guys? Which one were you mang I'm not sure.
Yes I could imagine that kind of setting would be rather intense for newer guys, ha! Glad to have you over, hope you had fun.