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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 11/06/2012
I won't go too much into the backstory and I don't really need to be told that I should go fuck ten other girls or whatever but there's one girl I really do want and I don't care about this you're the prize bullshit and other internalised concepts because I know all that but I would really like to get this girl for many different reasons so any advice might be helpful.

So we met at a club 9 months ago, she had a boyfriend, I number closed, she broke up with boyfriend a few months later and we've FB/Texted a little in the meantime but this girl is one of high value and has plenty male attention although as far as I know isn't really acting on it (getting laid) .. kind of prides herself on shooting down guys and has that sarcastic/funny personality. She's actually a pretty smart girl and totally gorgeous so at least some of you might understand why I am invested in this.

I know from enough experience that text game with these girls will never really go anywhere, you can burn it to the ground all you want, they don't need another friend or another guy telling them how sexy they are so I've always kept my value high in chat and only a few times edged towards trying to meet up but it always fell flat. A week ago though she mentions where she's going to Halloween and that I should go to, so i do with other friends and eventually throughout the night i text her a bit and we meet up. It was about a 10 minute interaction of good flirting, a little physical escalation I'd suggested a bounce for food but she was there with 6 dudes and couldn't leave then but told me we should have dinner, sealed the interaction with a kiss it was all sweet and nice and positive. My wing who was watching from the sidelines said it looked really good so two days later I text that we should have lunch on a specific day and don't get a reply. A couple of days past and the day i'd suggested comes about so I texted again with a cocky funny quip she replied with what seemed like a bullshit response about a previous commitment that day, i said no dramas and asked when usually is a good time for such a thing and get no reply.

My belief in my in-person/club attraction game is good enough that I know I'll pull this girl if i meet her at a club and logistics are right so I'm not willing to fuck it off away with some needy/risky text gambit, yet still I'm interested to hear if anyone else has faced this kind of thing and how they progressed.

Does anyone else have this problem with high status chicks?
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: That one girl
Oh shit, son! Kobe-bait!

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Joined: 11/06/2012
Re: That one girl

Save me Obi Man Whorenobi