only i can save myself
Only I can save myself. Change needs to come from within and requires my absolute commitment. Other people can serve as useful guidance but no amount of therapy or coaching alone will lead to results. It's an illusion of taking action. Passive way of dealing with the situation that satisfies the ego but isn't a true solution. Only I can create a different life for myself. I have to work on changes every day, and with unshakable belief that I'll lead myself to a better place.
Very one-sided and one-dimensional thinking. Go look up a listing of "distorted thinking" this sort of thing is pasted all over it. "Black and white" "martyrdom" is for retards. Any self-help resource will tell you it takes masterminding and mentors to get you where you need to go.
If nothing else you're on a site devoted to coaching. Go hit up any of my alumni and ask them what sort of mentor/resource I was. It is my duty and calling to open up guys in ways they didn't even know existed.
oh i absolutely don't doubt that. what i am trying to say is that you can be coached senseless but unless you fully commit to taking action outside of those coaching sessions, it's just an illusion of improvement. coaching shows you the way but ultimately it's you and you only who needs to walk the road.
Well you made a very fallacious statement.
Alpha I get what your saying. Everyone has to become their own man. I think what your saying applies to all of the normalish poeple around us, there is no point on relying on your external sources.
I think in in the case of a mentor/coach that has achieved greatness it is best to listen to their teachings as detailed as possible. People that reach greatness can pretty much lay down the steps to success with ease if your open to it.