Opinions on sleep
Curious as to what you guys think we should be aiming for in terms of amount of sleep we get each day especially if you're training intensely almost every day. I don't take naps and I'm usually busy all day from as soon as I wake up until I sleep with the new job and school. I find I'm very tired lately too because my body is trying to adjust to everything.
I think I'll have to incorporate some naps until my body gets the hang of things because it's 7pm and I have an hour until work and I'm ready to pass out
Have you been doing the sleep hypnosis? It relaxes your body massively so the quality of your sleep is way better. Plus make sure you've got a sleeping mask on. http://magellans.com
No I haven't done that, usually I find it hard to sleep and have so many distractions come bed time. I have the sleep hypnosis bookmarked from when Infinity sent it to me. I'll go over it tonight and try it, I think I have a face mask so I should be good to go. Just at work atm