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Overcoming Mental Block/Success Barrier/Lack Of Belief.

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Joined: 03/18/2012
I'm starting to really think I have some sort of mental block/success barrier thing starting to go on here.

Which I'm finding weird because I'm starting to love myself more and more everyday. I used to be so fuckin ashamed of old Katalyst but now i embrace the old me cuz I've made some great strides. I ran away from my past for the longest, just thinking about used to make cringe.

I feel more fulfilled, my indifference towards outcome is at it's best ever. I'm more internally fulfilled than ever, closer to my purpose than ever. Getting back that old ambition and drive again.

It's really starting to smack me dead in the face. I say this because

- Last 5 or 6 girls I've pulled I haven't had sex with. The last 3 or 4 have been ridiculously frustrating. Tonight I should have fucked this cute ass Algerian girl. Goodness gracious.
- My text exchanges are decent/good right up until the part of actually getting the meetup. And this is a sticking point that's been going on for quite some time now.

Not to start a wah-mublance here but there's definitely something going on here. Wtf. My game is at it's best level ever. I feel like it's some self-sabotaging behavior going on here.

Besides visualizations do you guys do anything else to counter this. It's a serious issue and it's honestly FUCKIN ME IN THE ASS WITH NO LUBE right now.
Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Don't trip on it dude.
Don't trip on it dude.

You're getting there, man.

That being said here are some questions I have for you about when you get back to your place, cause it's the one part of game I haven't seen of yours (Maybe we should aim to start tryna get a double pull so I can check this part of your game out and see what's up)

Do you start to get serious after the pull?
Do you get increased anxiety after the pull?
Do you ever do freezeouts?
Have you ever had a girl say no and then just been like, "Okay, cool" and then fucked her in the morning? (This has happened to me so many times)

Personally- when I pull a girl, I start making a lot of "crude" jokes but def. keep it lighthearted. Like when we're in bed, I'm making TONS of jokes but they are all sexual.... when I first started- I would make jokes but they weren't sexual enough (which actually was still better than just being all serious lol)

Like I'll take off my boxers and get naked and if she says something- I'll give her a big naked hug and be like, "Oh yeah, beb- how much do you love that" but in a silly tone and then back off and just throw on the tv or something

Or I'll make jokes about her ass and start touching it playfully

Also- I use TONS of freezeouts... anytime she doesn't give me complience, I do a half or full freezeout and the key is that I REALLY don't care. If I have sex that night- great but if I don't- I know that there is a really GOOD chance I'll fuck her in the morning

Some girls just need that extra bit of comfort you provide by eventually being cool with not fucking them that night.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 03/18/2012
Thanks for the response. I
Thanks for the response. I was actually irritated yesterday just because I made so many avoidable mistakes and was undecisive at key moments.

Yeah i can definitely feel some increased seriousness/anxiety once I'm out the venue. Sometimes I'm able to realize that I'm taking myself too seriously in the moment and counter this emotion but there's definitely a change in internal vibe most of the time. You're right - it does have a more serious tone to before when I'm all joking and busting their balls.

You can say I have a little routine set up when they come over to my place but my last couple of pulls have been to their place. I haven't even gotten to the point of freeze outs in my last two pulls. It's been like I'm making out w/them on their couch and then eventually they're like "yo i have to get up early in the morning".

Feels like some i have some loss of control when I don't pull to my place.

When I pull to my place, I usually grab us drinks (rum + coke). Then i have them sit on my couch and we either play Mario Kart 64 or watch TV for about 15-20 minutes. I do very little escalation during this time period and then I start to make out w/them. Once I do that, I slam on my bed which is only about 7 feet away. I turn the Weeknd on and then clothes come off.

There's no gameplan for when I pull elsewhere unless its the bathroom :)
Steve (not verified)
Hey buddy, Like Buddah said,
Hey buddy,

Like Buddah said, don't sweat it. Remember where you started! Now you're pulling shit loads of girls. JLVUM wrote up some stuff that I'm trying to implement busting LMR / ASD. Hopefully this helps.

"Anti-Slut Defense (ASD)
The chick wants to fuck but doesn't want to feel slutty about it or look like a slut to her friends.

1. I'll make explicit statements about my own STANDARDS (although I lie about these standards)...such as "One of my biggest turnoffs is a slutty girl and so many girls are slutty these days. I'm glad that you're not". I'll say, "Along with intelligence, a girl not being slutty are 2 of the biggest things I look for." I'll even go as far to say, "i meet [or date] a lot of women and they are all either slutty or dumb...or BOTH!!!" I'll tell her that she's a rare type of girl. I never provide logical argument for WHY i can just "tell" she's not slutty. I just ASSERT IT. clearly if she's fucking me right away then she IS "slutty" by the stupid common social definition. But merely asserting that you can tell she's NOT and that that meets a standard of yours makes her feel like you don't just fuck random whores and that SHE HERSELF is not a random whore.

2. I'll make the sex (and her) feel MEANINGFUL (not cheap) by saying, "i feel a real amazing connection with you...i can't explain it". then she feels like not just another notch on your belt. about half the time they'll just agree about the connection. the other half the time they'll ask why i think that and i'll again ASSERT that i just feel that way and can't explain it but that it's amazing. this generates awesome EMOTIONS and makes her feel as though there is something deeper there than just cheap surface attraction or lust.

3. I'll use ROLE REVERSAL. This means saying shit the chick would normally say to you. So i'll say, "I have a rule: I don't have sex with girls I just don't try it". I'll make them pinky swear that all we're going to do is make out back at the pull location or post-date (on day 2) location. But then she gets horny as fuck and has plausible deniability (aka fucking you was just something that happened and it's not her fault...therefore she doesn't need to feel like a slut). It almost never comes up after we fuck that I broke my rule of not having sex on the first date. They usually say at some point beforehand that they have that rule too but i don't bring it up after the fact either. If she DOES bring it up after the fact, I'll say that I wanted to make an exception due to the special connection (#2) and that i "never do that".

4. I will IMPORT COMFORT ON CREDIT. This one is beautiful. I actually made this up myself although i'm sure others do this too. I realized that girls don't feel bad about fucking if they've gone on a few dates with you because then it doesn't feel cheap and they have more comfort and trust built up. I will generate this ON CREDIT by saying shit like, "I can tell [because of the special connection i feel] that we're going to hang out a lot more in the future. we have this strong sexual connection and i know we're going to have lots of sex during future hangouts. so i think since we're both so turned on right now that we should just do it, what's the difference if we do it now or wait a time or two" [cut thread, escalate]. This allows the chick to believe that she will see you again many times and therefore the comfort will be built. This alleviates fears of you fucking her and never calling her again and her being left with feeling like a cheap slut. It also deemphasizes sex as the focus. The focus is the connection and how you're going to enjoy each other's company much more in the future (and sex is a part of that in this frame). Therefore, she feels security that she will see you again and that your special connection will blossom and grow (lol).

5. CRUSHING HER ASD FRAME and REFRAMING. Any time the chick makes ASD statements after doing one or more of the items I have already listed, I'll crush her frame and reimpose mine. In this thread's example, when the chick said that she would like to go on many more dates with me before doing anything sexual, i say that I would do that NORMALLY (lie) but I am leaving town. When she says asian girls are not so open i bust on her for being shy and tell her it's no big deal. I keep framing myself as the prize and the chance to have sex with her as a GREAT OPPORTUNITY. She says she will be let down when i leave so i say that i will keep in contact via email.

6. PERSISTENCE. Just keep hammering away with all these techniques and escalation (in a non-pushy, non-needy way of course) to gain compliance. As you get little bits of compliance here and there, compliance momentum builds and eventually you're fucking. Which leads to the LMR part of all this:

Last-Minute Resistance (LMR)
Some shit she gives you right before she fucks you.

A lot of the ASD techniques I listed will actually alleviate LMR a lot of the time. LMR arises because the girl:
1. Doesn't want to feel like a slut (so you give her plausible deniability that it's not her fault)
2. Doesn't want it to be a cheap one night stand (so you let her know that she'll be able to see you many more times)
3. Doesn't feel enough comfort or trust (so you import comfort/trust on CREDIT and import connection through ASSERTION)
4. Doesn't have enough compliance built up. You build compliance through non-pushy, non-needy persistence...but you also build it through other ways which I will discuss below:

Getting compliance to fuck (busting through the LMR)
1. Escalate physically.
2. If any resistance is encountered, back off a little then turn her on more and escalate again (wash, rinse, repeat...2 steps forward, 1 step backward). For instance, I will kiss her neck, get into heavy kissing, and rub her clit with the back of my hand under the guise of it being a leg massage. This one is actually really sick (I will explain in #3)
3. I will have one hand massaging her upper thigh while indirectly stimulating her clit over her pants or underwear with the back of my hand. My other hand might be on her shoulders or rubbing her body. I will banter her logical mind with whatever comes to mind so that her logical mind is engaged and distracted. A lot of times I will have her hands above her head. The frame of the leg massage is that i'm NOT STIMULATING HER CLIT but rather just massaging her upper thigh. If she catches on to what is going on (usually because i start working the clit more and more and she gets real turned on), a hand of hers will come down to stop my hand. as it comes down, i'll remove the hand from her leg and put both hands to her shoulders or body, put her hand back up above her head, continue the banter, then go back to the leg massage and indirect clit stimulation. i also tell her that i get really turned on from my inner thighs getting rubbed and i have her rub all around my dick. i explicitly tell her not to touch my dick (role reversal) but they usually end up doing it anyways because their hand is in your pants rubbing all around it and your fucking boner is hitting their hand and shit hahah.
4. I will periodically check for compliance with escalation especially if she gets a horniness spike. For instance, i'll start rubbing her clit directly (still over her pants or underwear) and see if she lets me. if she lets me, i'll do that for a little bit then move down her underwear to direct clit stimulation on the clit (and fingering). if she stops me then i'll do more neck kissing, heavy making out, feeling her up, etc. until she's turned on a lot again and i'll try again. this cycle is repeated until all our clothes are off and we're fucking. i'll take her hand and put it on my dick lots of times or go from fingering her to going down on her. the basic idea is to just keep escalating and any resistance you get, you bust through by backing off a little and pumping her horniness up again. all the frame of the ASD shit should have been set with all the other shit i mentioned before you even get to this point.
5. It's important to keep leading and taking charge. Tell her to take her underwear off, put her head on her dick while you're taking your pants off, etc."
Joined: 03/18/2012
Steve props for posting this.
Steve props for posting this. Yah you're right I've come a long way but still there's no way I can become complacent. Just not right.

BTW been re-reading it like a motherfucker. JMULV is no joke. Someone get him on here!
Joined: 01/18/2012
Ya Ill get him posting on
Ya Ill get him posting on here. otherwise Ill just raise his rent

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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