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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 01/31/2012
So now that im outta college, parties, school, and that frat game are not gonna be where i hook up with chicks as much. Moved back to the city i went to college at. Anyway, i dont go out nearly as much simply cuz im studying for lsat. Like first month out of college i didnt even go out-- simply studied. As opposed to going out 3-4 nights out of the week. Massive difference in momentum. So i decided not going out at all is gay so i limit myself to one night a week. Hit up newport bars, which is definitely where the hottest girls party in orange county - especially during summer when ppl are renting vacation homes. My bar game sucks compared to my party game. Like during college i hated going to bars cuz it was like night and day. Only a couple random blowies / hook ups from the bar from some random chicks. Bar girls sketch me out too cuz theres no common connection. Like clubs are way easier for me cuz ill just peel a chick off the dancefloor. Well now i dont have a fucking choice. I graduated, its time to be an adult and start hooking up with girls at the bars.

Pretty short night. Pregame with friends 10 to midnight. Hit up newps. Spot some cute blonde girl in line, start chopping it up with her and her friend. They just moved to newport beach. They went to notre dame. Conversation is pretty irrelevant, theyre laughing and into it. Our girl friend peels them off to cut the line since theyre good looking girls and can get in w/o waiting in line. Im pretty much oblivious to the signs just cuz im drunk and my intent really isnt all that focused. I def dont believe in myself at the bars the way i do at frat game/parties. So theyre waiting for us at the door. Dead obvious signs. I run to restroom to take a piss, chop it up with them. So obvi theyre into it yet im not giving myself permission to move things forward. Its not entitlement issues, as i feel more entitled them ever - i think its just i dont trust myself in a bar environment yet. My boys are both helping by keeping the chubby one busy so i can do my thing. So funny cuz both are lile fuuuuuuck, its your turn to take care of chubby girl. Real talk she wasnt even bad, she just looked sub par relative to the disproportionate amount of good looking girls. Pull my girl to dancefloor and hook up within minutes. I just dont even have that killer instinct to pull. Not screening for logistics, none of that. So dumb. Settle for number. I noticed that i unintentionally just SLASH a girls value with comments i made. Like she wanted to hang out today but i told her i cant cuz i gotta study and do my thing. Girls really get butthurt with me when i prioritize my life before them. Like they think im blowing them off or something, when really im just busy as fuck and have other priorities that HAVE to get done before hanging with a chick. So i gotta reassure this chick and shit and shes cool with hanging next week. We'll see what happens.
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Partying like an adult - hitting the bars.
Just wait buddy. Wait till you're like.. shit I want to get laid. Hey what are YOU doing tomorrow. haha

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Partying like an adult - hitting the bars.
@Manwhore: Yea, i was acting lame. I ended up calling some college slam pieces at the end of the night, but neither answered lol. Iono maybe its contextual entitlement issues, specifically at a bar where i dont feel enough because i dont have reference points like that. Like a cast of doubt because its foreign and new.
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Partying like an adult - hitting the bars.
@Aequitas: Limited texts but thats really our entire exchange since friday lol. On top of that, i kinda think the haha might make me across as nervous even though i found it funny that we were at starbucks, listening to mj as i critiqued friends law school app. i think shes keen, but not really interested. Like if we see each other we'd pick up where we left off. Also I kinda wondered if i should be punishing these continuous apologies. I think overall the texts i sent were just flat. Like in person they wouldve come off right, but i struggle creating the vibe i create in person.

Me: Aequitas
Me - 2 days 11 hrs later: Hey whats up dzx - - Aequitas
Girl - 4 hrs 14 mins later: Well hi! Sorry I was working. What's up?
Me - 50 mins later: All good, no worries. Nm, just helping a friend edit his personal statement while listening to michael jackson. People are staring at us funny haha. Where do you work?
Girl - 13 hrs 28 mins later: Omygosh sorry I didn't see this yesterday. I work as a veterinary assistant at quail animal hospital in irvine. How's studying going??
Me - 5 hrs 42 mins later: Thats pretty cool. I was at the animal shelter last weekend with a couple friends.. i was sitting indian style with a cute pair of puppies, while basking in the mist they spray because i was hungover.

Its going well. Finally starting to get a routine going. How you liking oc versus vegas?
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Partying like an adult - hitting the bars.

24 hrs later Her: Which animal shelter did you go to?? I love it here so far! Enjoying the cooler weather than Vegas.

I still think my texts suck, but she also blows at texting in a timely fashion. Ideally I'd like to segway this into a meet up by this weekend. Probs gonna go for meet up at the bars and try to slay. Fuck dates.
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Partying like an adult - hitting the bars.
Ya this kind of thing set up a date/time and see if she shows. She's a hit or miss I wouldn't invest too much more into text

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Partying like an adult - hitting the bars.
@Manwhore: Ya for sure. For the sake of learning I wanna know if im handling objections correct via text. Like in person i can hold my own no problem getting shit from a girl. Here are texts and want to know if i handled that right. In person i woulda said that extremely sarcastically, in a condescending way like shes an idiot. ( referring to muffin line ) i find i lack the ability to communicate the subtleties i can in person via text, which holds me back and makes me play dont fuck it up game via text sometimes.

Me 1 day later: One by south coast plaza. Yeah, oc's the shit. Well, not the inland side. You should hit the bars with a couple of us next week.
Her 1 hr 21 min later: I'm out of town this weekend but yeah for sure when I get back
Me 3 days later : Coulda sworn i had responded earlier. Weird. K cool, whats yer sched looking like this weekend muffinbottom
Her 11 min later: Umm muffin bottom?
Me 5 min later: Uhh yea, like the bottom of a muffin you weirdo. Dont go gettin any funny ideas.

My own critique is that last text wouldve been cooler w/o the dont go getting any funny ideas. Unnecesssry and i probably wouldnt say that in person.