Putin is not a total badass, but we're being misinformed
The way he's handling the conflict in Ukraine is interesting to watch. More and more people are becoming aware that BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are the ones fighting for world peace, while America and Britain have been the cause of most of the wars in the past 2 centuries.
You're kidding me right? Geezez
Doesn't take much research to realise what our governments are doing. If you were born on the 'dark side' that had full control of the media how would you know?
Yes, Putin is more "alpha" than Obama but that's not saying much. The way he governs people is not badass though. This is like those tarts who run around wearing Che Guevara shirts after watching a documentary on Netflix.
Obama took out one of Russia's primary banks witha stroke of a pen.... that's pretty fucking alpha.
He doesn't need weapons - he literally put the bank on a list that means they can't do business in america... and they're fucked. Completely black-balled from everything.
No. You have no idea what you're talking about.
That is oppression. We don't have a concept of what it truly means to live in a country like the Soviet Union.
No. You have no idea what you're talking about.http://www.dailylife.com.au/life-and-love/real-life/i-am-a-north-korean-...
That is oppression. We don't have a concept of what it truly means to live in a country like the Soviet Union.
Agreed, I recently had to interview two people who are new to the US (here less than a year) for a sociology class and they both said that one of the biggest issues their countries had was political corruption. It really made me wonder what it was like in other countries.
I mean, people complain about how bad things in the US are (myself included), but things could really be so much worse it's kind of a joke.
The link I posted originally was pretty much irrelevant to the point I was making, and I apologise. But I stand by the fact that we're all being fed disinformation about Russia. They're not the Soviet Union anymore. Obviously come to your own conclusions but this article gives a far more balanced view of his policies.
Compare his political action of support for Ukraine with the USA's false flag attacks and blatant Malasyian flight cover-up: