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Macdaddy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2012

Just recently got back on this forum been looking up other speaks and stuff and have gotten alot of info on game.

Anyways, i had posted awhile back about a rave i went to in San Diego about a year from this month and had bad results. Bad results as in couldnt get girls to dance got shut down twice and music was so loud and couldnt do anything really. So i just got back from La from another rave and ill tell you that it was alot better. Better as in as soon as walking in (buzzing already) saw these 2 cuties and asked them to dance with my wing and i. Let me be clear i had to do most of the talking but my wing is a little inocent looking guy so they were down. As soon as we finished i told the chick she was cute and got a quick makeout sesh. Continued to dnace around and ask girls, got shut down 2 times one being a girl cockblocked the fuck outta me when i didnt even acknowledge her but ohh well. Danced with an asasin but she didnt wann hook up she just dipped.

My question is what kind of game plan do you have when going into a high energy enviorment with loud music and girls denying guys like if we are going to stab them?? any thoughts

Joined: 01/18/2012
I don't have much experience

I don't have much experience at raves, but I know people bang at them. Anyone else? I know my buddy made out with 53 girls in one night at a rave. Whore 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Alex123's picture
Joined: 05/01/2012
Just go in confident, it's

Just go in confident, it's all about your vibe and you have to overwhelm the overwhelment of the crazy environment. I personally just go in based on the situation, their costume, whatever we are experiencing. You have to be having more fun than the girl, and be super attuned to her (the environment's) energy. Usually the entire venues are filled with people on molly, so they are often in states of ecstasy and their senses are all heightened. You have to be in the same mindset even if youre not rolling. Because of this heightened experience for her, I feel girls (and guys) are more open with their energy, unstifled, and willing to "break social norms" of not talking to strangers and whatnot because events like this are literally an escape from modern society. Hundreds/thousands of people getting together to dance and just enjoy music is about as tribal as it gets nowadays.

Girls are just dancing completely losing themselves in the moment, but that's what guys do at raves too. If you completely "allow the environment to have its desired effect" you will be so ecstatic and in the moment that talking/dancing with girls and engaging with their (less guarded than usual) female energy will just feel right

If your energy is on the right wavelength the girls will just want to be a part of your movie. Easier said than done but I can honestly tell you the best results I've ever had in "field" have been at Raves/giant music festivals

Macdaddy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2012
Fuck 53 girls? Haha i was

Fuck 53 girls? Haha i was hoping to do anal but I guess I was shit out of luck. Do you know if that guy squattincassanova is on here? Ive seen him do different venues one being a rave but it was at edc were there are some quieter spot to work game!

Macdaddy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2012
Yeee that sounds like some

Yeee that sounds like some stuff to practice. By any chance is there a proper way to approach? I mean I just asked if they wanted to dance and it kinda worked I just needed to ask alot more people 4 groups wasnt enough?

Joined: 06/04/2012
In these types of party

In these types of party environments you need to focus on having fun. Your state should match or be above the girls you're interacting with throughout the night. Many of them are on drugs and you almost wanna achieve this natural high. If you make it all about getting laid these chicks will have a much easier time blowing you off. So laugh, fuck around, dance, jump up and down, just get going and then open as many sets as possible and lead. 

Joined: 01/18/2012
Squattincasanova? Come on

Squattincasanova? Come on dude. 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 01/18/2012
Well if you want to set the

Well if you want to set the bar that low then I guess I can come in on this.. 

Asking people to dance is a bit "beneath" your level of skill Macfuque.. I imagine your hesitation to come in more awesome is because it's a new environment? Just treat it the same. I'm always just exuberant and happy and just start talking to people. Remember, "Everyone is my friend!" That will carry you through everything. Once you've made connections and you're supplying emotions and good times for people, then you can start singling out gorgeous little stragglers. They'll start singling you out too. 

For events like this it's good to have some green to share. Actually for any event it's good to have some green to share. Lol. It sets you apart immediately as one of the cool people. Immediately. That's it you're done they know you're not a quack, a creeper, or a pooper. It's also excellent for isolation. You can also have some liquor in a container and that's always popular as well. 

You want to be BIGGER than the event. More energy, more creativity, more exuberance. Yes sometimes it might be a bit lower key in certain situations, but you must be "giving" to the situation at all times. I'm not saying you want to come across like you're sitting on a tack, but be INVOLVED in the conversation.. take over from time to time with your opinion, thoughts, personal commentary. Your English "laissez faire" approach to social situations isn't adequate. James Bond isn't adequate. You guys came out with Russel Brand. THAT is your goal. 

The hookup culture at events like this is definitely more casual than normal. Also there will be some YOUNG girls, so you want to qualify them on your higher level of "daddy-like" experience. Be super friendly about it, but have a slight aloofness to you that let's them know you're the shit. They might also have a natural tendency to ask "how old are you?" When you see the "issue" come up, you preempt with the hard playful qualifying. Make sure they know your experience is something to be respected, and that it's a sexual experience that they need to have. 

We talked about "fratstar" sexual escalation in our sessions. That's the kind of energy you want to have to your sexual escalation. I can't stress this enough. You can get head from TWO girls at a time this way. DIRECT them unquestioningly. 

Make friends with their guy friends, but don't pursue conversations with dudes that are quiet, they've singled themselves out of the picture and are non-entities, you must have an eye for who the real players in the group are. Be friends with those guys 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Macdaddy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2012
So you dont believe in him

So you dont believe in him being good at game? Or he is just different?

Macdaddy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2012
Manwhore wrote:Well if you

Now this is some good info! Thanks MW and everyone else next rave is in April in SD and imma try each of this stuff!

Joined: 01/18/2012
No he's an amateur. He'll get

No he's an amateur. He'll get better 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Macdaddy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2012
Need a quick update MW. I

Need a quick update MW. I just wanted to continue on this thread about raves. Another one this weekend in SD and my question ive been wanting to ask is. How would it be if I didnt ask to dance with girls? I just kinda smoothly danced up putting my hands on their waist? Starting off a dance like that? What are your opinions on that? Could that possibly back fire on me? I kinda see it similar on walking up to girls and just go in for a kiss

Macdaddy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2012
Need a quick update MW. I

Need a quick update MW. I just wanted to continue on this thread about raves. Another one this weekend in SD and my question ive been wanting to ask is. How would it be if I didnt ask to dance with girls? I just kinda smoothly danced up putting my hands on their waist? Starting off a dance like that? What are your opinions on that? Could that possibly back fire on me? I kinda see it similar on walking up to girls and just go in for a kiss

Macdaddy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2012
Need a quick update MW. I

Need a quick update MW. I just wanted to continue on this thread about raves. Another one this weekend in SD and my question ive been wanting to ask is. How would it be if I didnt ask to dance with girls? I just kinda smoothly danced up putting my hands on their waist? Starting off a dance like that? What are your opinions on that? Could that possibly back fire on me? I kinda see it similar on walking up to girls and just go in for a kiss

Macdaddy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2012
Need a quick update MW. I

Need a quick update MW. I just wanted to continue on this thread about raves. Another one this weekend in SD and my question ive been wanting to ask is. How would it be if I didnt ask to dance with girls? I just kinda smoothly danced up putting my hands on their waist? Starting off a dance like that? What are your opinions on that? Could that possibly back fire on me? I kinda see it similar on walking up to girls and just go in for a kiss

Joined: 01/18/2012
Yes I definitely don't

Yes I definitely don't usually ask a girl to dance. I walk up very confidently with a smile and just start dancing with her. What you project onto her as far as your comfort with self, and your confidence in the fact you and her are going to have a good time dancing is what will carry this through easily. 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Macdaddy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2012
