Re-engagement texts
-There's a girl that looks just like you chasing pigeons in the mall parking lot.. ok now she's running from the police
-walmart greeters never greet me, what's wrong with me? (I have had some really funny banter spark from this one)
whos got a good one?
That first one's awesome lol. "I'm pregnant. It's yours" works. You can take anything and spin it however way you want. "I found this number in a bathroom stall. It told me to call for a good time" or something like that I forget exactly how I phrased it
You can never go past a good picture message. Go to a water park (where there are slides and shit) and get a mate to take photo's of you with ripped abs going down the slides or standing in front of the slides. Then you can send this whenever even if your not at the water park that day (although why wouldnt you be it's a fucking water park and they rock, plus chicks in bikini's... kaaaaching). This 1. Shows her you've got a cool life.. 2. Shows her you've got ripped abs (but the aim of the text looks like it is to show her your at a water park, so you don't look like a fag that's sending her a pick of you with a shirt off).
If you don't have ripped abs.. go to the gym, get ripped abs. Then go to the water park and follow the instructions from the start. Chicks will I repeat WILL want your penis