Richard Sherman is a hero..
for showing America that you can be intense and ALIVE, and still be well-spoken, classy, and in control when you need to be. Amen
Yeah, I immediately identified with him when I read his blog. Cause I was like "hey he's really smart AND a bad ass hard working trash talker. Just because he talks trash doesn't mean he's a royal fuckup." Similarly, just because you're good with chicks doesn't have to mean you're an ultra-douche-gonna-be-dead-by-30-loser, as society so commonly says, in order to make beta males feel better.
I was reading around the internet and people on reddit for example were like "he's a trash talking litle bitch. fuck that guy" and that seemed to be the general consensus. I was like "actually, he's really smart/well spoken, you should read his blog on mmqb. You might change your mind." Didn't seem to matter.
I tried to understand them and I just don't get their point of view. I would take a million richard sherman/michael crabtree's who are REAL over some cliche bull shit that all the other NFL players say to conform to mainstream society's views.
Yea, I thought it was hilarious. Of course the general public is gonna hate. Here's a guy who is successful and knows it, running his mouth. Essentially, he's dong what most people dream about doing