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Pickup Coaching
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Joined: 03/30/2012
Hey guys,
So I had met this girl on the street, it was a real quick interaction, and got her number. A combo her being down for the date and my half-decent text convo, I met her for a day 2 on Thursday. The day 2 was good, we walked round for a bit, kissed a bit and then I took her home, cause she had to go to work early the next morning. It wasn't anything too crazy. However, I may have gotten the sense I seemed too much into going for a makeout and was not just into the interaction. Anyways, here my texting after the date. I for some reason deleted my texts so, these are my best recollections of them.

Me( half-hr after date): Hey xxx, I had a really fun time tonight. Hope you sleep well so that there is no ms. groucho tomorrow morning. The other side is much more awesome.
Her: Thanks, I had a lovely time also, and I got to bed just in time!

One day later, on Saturday( I don't why I waited a day, some stupid gamey thing popped into my head).

Me: Alright, nap time is over, time to get off the toilet.(We talked about people napping on the toilet during work)
Her: Hahaha, for you I've been cleaning all day.(not sure if it was a typo, maybe "for you information" or maybe I should've hopped on this and gone for a meetup)
Me: Much appreciated, I look forward to seeing the fruits of your labor. Wait, does this mean ur in scrubs and gloves. I have se a pic of this.
Her: Hahaha, No way!!!
Me: Ohh well, I was going send one me of cleaning in my overalls, but my phone actually can't receive or send pics...its retarded
Her: Oh dear. That is quite unique.
Me: Fortunately for my sanity it is not true.
Me: Unfortunately, I've just seen naked people bike riding. I think I'm still drunk.
Her: EW, gross! Who is it?
Me: Not me
Me: Either hipsters or hobos. Whichever is the more evolved form.
Me: On a more tasteful note, i am really excited i just bought mango mochi. i might let u come for a iron chef and mango mochi session of these nights.( This felt to gamey, as if I was trying the obvious shift the buyer/seller frame)
No response.

Next day(Today)
Me( 11:00am): Ugh, I have to clean today(sry, no overall). Hopefully I can then go and relax by the pool. What's on ur agenda for today?

No response

I feel I can do one of two things.
1). Wait until the end of today, and then text something like," Well, I was going to invite you to a session of brightlight and skittles. Oh well, fuck you." Or toned down version of this.
2). Or wait a week and text when I am in out town and built something again.

I feel I should go with #2. It seems like patience in the way of the game. Being too eager to get that next date may have fucked with me subtly, But let me know where I should go from here.
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Roadblock to Setting up Day 3
Well your texting was good, but your rhythm was a little off. Hard to describe but you're sending high value texts two in a row and not letting her respond. Best example of this is:

Me: Not me
Me: Either hipsters or hobos. Whichever is the more evolved form.
Me: On a more tasteful note, i am really excited i just bought mango mochi. i might let u come for a iron chef and mango mochi session of these nights.

Should have stopped after the hobo/hipster text and given her space. That was hot texting but you followed up too fast.

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 03/30/2012
Re: Roadblock to Setting up Day 3
Thanks manwhore. Its nice to know I'm doing at least something right. I kinda took a step back and stop posting or gaming as much and starting read this forum from the 1st post. I'm only a third through and there is already so much gold in it, and I feel my texting has gotten a little better.

I'll definitely try correct my rhythm. I was trying to ignore the 1to1 text ratio thing, but I see what ur saying. I come off a little too eager.

Anyways, I let the dumb, impatient and horny side come out and replied awfully to her response.

Her(Later that day): Haha nice. Hung out with Gitali and Cadie all day.
Me: Beb, u have great timing. I was just starting to wake up from my nap (not on the toilet).
Me: Sounds like ur on the lazy sunday part of ur day. Im headin to a coffee shop in cc, to shoot off emails, and make some musica. Stop by if ur free.

Those last two texts sucked big fat donkey testicles. Its my too eager to fuck self coming through. The date/hangout setup was awful, no incentive and no value.
I think I should wait at least a day, let the stench wear off and the send something of high value/funny and light.

Let me know what you think.
Joined: 03/30/2012
Re: Roadblock to Setting up Day 3
Here's an update on the convo. Not sure where to go on the last one. I got it at 1:30am, so I just slept on it.

Her: You are definitely having fun with your new music thing! Try your hand at Riverdance.
Me: Well, I did do the raindance today, obviously the reason it stopped raining. My powers are widespread and immense…
Her: Aaah next time please do it a little earlier. I walked to work in that downpour. Not fun.
Me: Ahh, this patron is demanding. Such excessive might lead to harsh punishment in the rain… So, it seems like ur back at a regular work schedule.
Her:Haha yeah pretty much. I’ll work a little later tonight and I came in for a bit yesterday to get caught up.
Me; Hard working, I like it. Yeah, Tuesday is really my only day that I have to go early, but I get to come home early and chill for the rest of the day. Now that I cleared the clouds imam go and swim some laps. Lets hope I don’t drown, lol.
Me: Beb, don’t ever swim next to D1 swimmers, they made me look like I was drowning, lol.
Her: Hahaha duly noted! I only just learned how to officially swim. I was doing a glorified doggie paddle for that.
Me: I gotta see that. Id help teach u, but the pool is gonna close soon and my bathtub is kinda small…
Her: Hahaha yeah… I don’t take baths they make me feel dirty. The point is to wash away the dirt, not sit in it.
Me: That’s totally ur adorable ocd coming out. I like baths, but I only take them when Im sick. They just make me feel good and obviously more manly.
Her: Hahahaha I take a shower first and then if I extra need to relax I’ll take a bath in Cadie’s Jacuzzi with bath salts!
Me: Wow, jealous if this Jacuzzi actually exists. Also, I had a feeling u were about to pounce on me ay moment, when we hung out. If u decide to start biting me next time, just stay on the neck before the brain. At least that feels good ;)
Her: Hahahah I don’t bite where people can see. And I expect the same courtesy. And that was not an invitation to just go biting anywhere.

Should I go for the meetup today or tomorrow? Or should I play it cool for it bit, since it seems like there's a hair of resistance when I push to something physical/sexual?
Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Roadblock to Setting up Day 3
DAMN SON! She wants yo CAUCK!!

Set up some anti-asd defense then hit up that meetup. Be like "Girl I promised my mommy I'd be good so don't you worry! Btw serious question.. ice cream TONIGHT.. or tomorrow?"

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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