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Self Awareness and the ability to change is what creates dominance

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Joined: 03/27/2013

My friend and I were discussing today why exactly humans evolved as the dominant species on this planet, despite the fact that we are not the fastest, strongest, or biggest "animal" in the kingdom. Well the answer was pretty simple, humans are more intelligent. But what does that really mean?

I found this cool article that argues that humans are the dominant species because of their ability to change, and this ability to change comes from the desire to change thru self awareness. We are the only self aware species roaming this planet.

Now this concept defintely applies to dominance in the human race. Those that practice self awareness, want and know when change is needed. The problem is most people are afraid of change! This is what creates the divide between nromal people and great people.

Joined: 01/18/2012
Yes we have the strength to

Yes we have the strength to change and do what needs to be done even if it's against the grain, which is the manifestation of dominance. This is the true definition of "strength", it's been misinterpreted and distorted by groupthink and social conditioning to become some quasi-masculine "macho" bullshit. The inherent problem with machoism is it's looking elsewhere for validation of your masculinity. It's attempting to fit to a set definition/idea of masculinity and in so doing it's defeating the purpose of it. Masculinity and dominance and strength are singular. It's the unique man looking out from his own eyes and seeing and doing what needs to be done. This is also why strength is not based on gender either. Women are very strong, but we've all been conditioned to become "cattle" versions of ourselves. Women have had it much worse. 


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