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Pickup Coaching
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KFaR's picture
Joined: 04/17/2013

I went on a date with this girl that came over to my parents house, she's the niece of my mothers good friend.  I thought she was cute and decided to ask her to hang out.

I didn't kiss her at the end of the 'date' or w/e you want to call it.  It was wierd because, I came in and her family said hi to me and how it went haha.  I bitched out and did not kiss her infront of her uncle, she hugged me.  Flirt with her a little over text and today I tried to set up a day 2.

She denied the day 2 because, she has some studying to do for a placement exam she is taking tomorrow.  But she did not try to scheduel another day.  I just replied by saying 'alright' over text.

Note that she never initiates text to me.  But usually responds pretty quickly for the most part.  Should I go no contact for a week and then hit her up again?  I want to set up the day 2 so I can make a move, if I get blown out then atleast I know where I stand haha.  What should I do?


kowabunga, bitches.

Joined: 01/18/2012
Can you post up the convo?

Can you post up the convo? How old is she 

It's pretty normal behavior for a girl. 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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KFaR's picture
Joined: 04/17/2013
Text Convo, Manwhore she is

Text Convo, Manwhore she is 18.

hb : hey its hb

me : hey watcha up too?

hb : I'm on skype with  afriend

me : isn't it past your bedtime? ;d

hb : haha no i dont have a bed time, well now sort of because they are repairing the basement and they arrive by 7 am.

me : mr _____ or w/e his name is haha .  I'm free today want to grab some food or piano lessons? LOL

hb : yeah thats the guy, food sounds good too lol.  What time were you looking at?

me : around 4 because, my brother is using one of the cars to go to work.

hb : ok yea sounds good.  Text me before you are ready to leave. you know the address right?

me : address

hb : address

me: i'm heading over now.

hb : okay

11 PM that day.  We hanged out for like 4 hours went to get some food then back to my place, she loves stand up comedy.

me : your miami heat are getting whooped

hb : hahaha by one point!!!

me : I don't think D Wade is going to save the day! ;)

hb : hahahaha that's why Ray Allen is on the team!

me : SPURS WON! Why am I so good? lol

hb : 6 more games left right?

me: yeah

hb : okay is not over

me : bwahahaha

2 days later

me : Ay yo girl

hb : Hey what's up?

3 hours later

me : Just got out of work. Working since 7 am what's good

hb: You're so ghetto lol Just got out of a graduation heading to the dinner.

me : Sounds exciting... lol. Give me some food, k thanks

hb: yeah, no.

me : wow

Next day.

me : is your busy scheduel open? haha let's chill today.

2 hours later

hb : Hey not really, they are still getting the basement ready and I have to study because tomorrow Im taking a placement exam at my college.

me : alright


kowabunga, bitches.

Joined: 01/18/2012
Your "wow" to her "yeah, no."

Your "wow" to her "yeah, no." was pretty reactive. You never want to respond to a girl's stuff in a way that shows it affected you. Also, you can't expect a girl to come up with an alternate time unless you ask her to. Girls don't think about stuff like that. Also, just like the text game article says, you didn't figure out first if she was available, and you started the convo with asking her to hang out, both breaking the rules! 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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KFaR's picture
Joined: 04/17/2013
Yeah I do that in person a

Yeah I do that in person a lot too though.  It's kind of a joke I do with people.  Your right though should have not done it!

Blah, what do you think I should do now?  No contact for a week?  Or keep sending some value texts then try again for meet up? Not sure how to play this.


kowabunga, bitches.

Joined: 01/18/2012
Ok if she recognizes it as

Ok if she recognizes it as something you do in person and it carries another vibe, that's cool, but just understand.. the same thing said in person written down in text will many times not carry the same vibe. 

Hit her up again in a couple days with something juicy and you should be good. Are you 18 as well? Obviously you could have handled your date better as well. At least a blowjob 


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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KFaR's picture
Joined: 04/17/2013
yesterday Me : how did your


Me : how did your exam go? did you get acceped to Yale or Princeton? :p

HB : Haha I will just you watch. I took the placement test. I did good in English but not so good in stupid math :P

me: what a little noob. haha its ok someday you will have my skills

7 hours later

HB : Yeahhh right, what skills?

Next day

Me : No work today! Awww yeah.  What's going on your end?

her : clean, clean, clean, laundry

me : sounds fun, fun, fun, lol.  Let's hang out. 5ish

her : What do you want to do?

me : lets go rob a bank then get ice cream :O

hour 30 minutes later

her : I don't hang with criminals sorry haha

me : LOL icecream is serious business we might get in trouble.  Wear something cute.

like 10 seconds later

her : Are you telling me what to wear?  I'll wear whatever I want! For that reason I'll wear my pjs.

me : *laughing meme aface or w/e its called*


her: until what time are we hanging out?  Paul just came back last night from idaho so aunts preparing a dinner

me : Hmm what times dinner?


her : she said 6ish thats when he gets home. so 7 latest.

me : alright well your busy, if you can't go then well just go another time.

her : I mean you said icecream I figured shouldn't be more than an hour, did you have somthing else in mind?

me : there's always more to do... Your busy and it turns out my family just got back from Europe today. 

her : okay yeah spend time with your fam, we can hang out another time.


kowabunga, bitches.

KFaR's picture
Joined: 04/17/2013
I pretty much said to her

I pretty much said to her that she is busy and that I wasn't going to hang for an hour or so with her. 

I want to do more, so I feel like I played it well.  Willingness to walk away. Or am I looking at it wrong?  I also was really chill about it in the text.  I just dont like to feel like it's a race against the clock.  I like to do hang more when out with someone.  Hmmm.


kowabunga, bitches.

Joined: 05/27/2012
I think you should've just

I think you should've just met up with her and escalated.