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Sexy Dominican I met on the subway. Same fuckin sticking point. So close to getting the meetup

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Joined: 03/18/2012
I get annoyed by texting sometimes. It's like I'm the team that is really adept at passing the ball but can't seem to put the ball in the goal.

This is a regular occurrence for me. I get close but it's like that one last step is missing for me to get the meetup. I fuckin hate this sticking point.

My text game/day2/social circle game need improvement.

How I met her

I met this girl in early January. Was tops like a 4 or 5 minute interaction. When girls are reluctant to give me their # i tell them to tell me their number (without them pressing it into their phone) and if I remember it that means that it was meant to be. From what I remember she was really fuckin cute.

Me: 01/11/2013 15:28:27 My brother says hi (pic message) (callback humor)

Her: 01/11/2013 16:43:39 Lol !!! I just switched to an iPhone and lost my numbers who is this ¿

Me: 01/11/2013 16:44:54 ahh Maria the cleaning lady - no mas trabajo! -Katalyst

Her: 01/11/2013 16:49:17 Lol hey Katalyst

Me: 01/11/2013 16:52:20 how you doin beb. I just finished presenting like an African American. I'm done so I'm back to being black.
(callback humor)

Her: 01/11/2013 17:13:55 Lol that's funny I just finished sweeping like Maria am doing good super tired today
Me: 01/11/2013 17:22:16 Lol what's your schedule look like this week punkin
Her: 01/11/2013 17:31:26 Am off Sunday
Her: 01/11/2013 17:31:26 Am off Sunday
Me: 01/11/2013 17:34:51 Cool. Lets meet up for a quick drink around 8 on Sunday.
Her: 01/11/2013 17:36:42 I have to see I have yoga in the afternoon then I have to visit my parents after
Me: 01/11/2013 17:55:54 Let's go rob a bank at 9:30 after you visit your parents. I need someone to play lookout
Her: 01/11/2013 17:59:30 Oh then you have the right girl it's plan destroy this message
Her: 01/11/2013 17:59:36 after you read it
Me: 01/11/2013 18:04:32 No worries you can trust me beb. we're in this together
Her: 01/11/2013 19:33:31 Silly goose
Me: 01/13/2013 15:07:05 I'm running errands and then finishing up some work beb but let's make that quick $$$ at 9 tonight
Her: 01/13/2013 15:09:30 Lol am cleaning up and organizing not sure if I will be able to make it
Me: 01/13/2013 15:21:02 stop taking your Maria the cleaning lady nickname so seriously!
Me: 01/13/2013 15:22:55 We'll hang out for a lil bit punkin I have MAD work to do tonight

Left her a really good voicemail. I give good voicemail.

Her: 01/16/2013 16:49:22 So I was on the highway and there was a man playing the trumpet as he drove
Me: 01/16/2013 16:57:21 Lol WTF I bet he was African ;) Where were you driving to
Her: 01/16/2013 17:11:31 Lol no he was white i tried to take a picture as evidence but no luck :-(
i was driving home I had to have someone pick me up from work another train fight the mta shut off all four five six trains last night
Me: 01/18/2013 16:01:24 Is it 5:00 yet? I just decided that I need to marry a rich girl..working hard is for suckers. Are you rich :) ?
Her: 01/18/2013 16:26:52 Lol I wish !! Are you rich maybe you can save from working
also sends me pic message of meme
Me: 01/18/2013 17:04:23 LOL so true!! this is why we need to stick to my plan punkin. when are we meeting up to make this easyy money.
Her: 01/18/2013 17:35:21 Lol oh man one day after work am booked this weekend my one of my best friends is getting married we are going wedding dress shopping
Me: 01/18/2013 17:39:48 No worries lets meet up next week because I'm headed to Jersey for the weekend
Her: 01/18/2013 17:40:39 Woot woot !! Jersey shore weekend
Me: 01/18/2013 17:43:44 Lol I'm not a douchebag from the shore! My parents live in North Jersey
Her: 01/18/2013 18:01:32 Lol Awww visiting the folks
Her: 01/18/2013 18:01:32 How old are your parents
Me: 01/18/2013 18:03:13 Take a guess. (sent with pic message)
Her: 01/18/2013 20:09:13 0 your dad maybe 50
Me: 01/18/2013 20:09:43 Both 55 ;)
Her: 01/19/2013 01:21:01 They look younger !! Oh wow my parents are a bit younger
Me: 01/23/2013 16:33:40 OMG I feel very very good today, I've done something really heroic
Her: 01/23/2013 16:54:02 And that is ¿
Me: 01/23/2013 16:54:49 I saved this kid from drowning in the pool
Her: 01/23/2013 17:03:09 Are you serious
Me: 01/23/2013 17:04:06 Yea I saved him by taking my foot off his head
Her: 01/23/2013 17:10:45 Lmao !!
Me: 01/23/2013 17:13:52 Lol so what's your schedule look like this week bebe
Her: 01/23/2013 17:23:16 Friday more wedding dress shopping Saturday night is open though
Me: 01/23/2013 17:25:22 Ok Saturday should work. I'll let you know by Friday.
Her: 01/23/2013 18:04:55 K
Me: 01/26/2013 15:23:25 Finally home :)....I feel like getting a margarita with a señorita. What time are we meeting up tonight bonita.
Her: 01/26/2013 17:39:30 I am actually off today
Her: 01/26/2013 17:39:30 I just woke up I had a house warming party last night and am a little hung over.
Me: 01/26/2013 17:49:16 No worries beb. I'm busy trying to finish building this app today so lets reschedule.
Her: 01/26/2013 17:50:34 Oh you sound like a mad scientist lol
Me: 01/30/2013 22:34:28 OMG I'm finally freeeeeee. I had to be so focused to finish punkin.
Her: 02/01/2013 17:19:57 Whoo hoooo ! The weekend is finally here
Me: 02/01/2013 17:23:16 You have no idea how happy I am it's here. How was your day punkin
Her: 02/01/2013 17:32:08 It was long and tedious I hate my job
Me: 02/01/2013 17:58:23 No worries things will be better. What's your schedule look like this weekend beb
Her: 02/01/2013 18:31:09 Not too bad friends bday tomw
Me: 02/01/2013 18:37:09 Cool so lets meet up Sunday afternoon. Lets go to a brunch my friend is hosting at 3...freeee food
(bad text IMO)
Her: 02/02/2013 12:16:08 Lol where is this brunch ¿
Me: 02/02/2013 12:17:36 xyz in flatiron
Her: 02/02/2013 12:28:39 But I won't know anybody am super shy
Me: 02/02/2013 12:31:28 No worries bebe I'm sure I will only know 2 or 3 people there myself
Me: 02/03/2013 12:55:29 I'm like 25% more awesome today ;) How was your friends bday
Her: 02/03/2013 12:56:03 Lol good am hung over
Me: 02/03/2013 12:59:53 Lets stop by that brunch I was telling you about for like an hour.
Her: 02/03/2013 13:01:54 Oh man am out of commission
Me: 02/03/2013 13:08:29 Well if you don't want to hang out ill invite my other buddies. You didn't come up with an alternative.
Her: 02/03/2013 13:12:17 Do you want to do something later
Me: 02/03/2013 13:16:53 Yea get ready I'm gonna kick your ass at the arcade.
Me: 02/03/2013 13:18:18 Lets meet up at 8
Her: 02/03/2013 13:18:51 It's the Super Bowl today
Her: 02/03/2013 13:19:16 Arcade am hungover and old what if we just get some tea or coffee
Me: 02/03/2013 13:23:18 Cool we can get tea and you can listen to me talk in a British accent. What time you want to meet up beb
Her: 02/03/2013 13:54:19 Lol sounds awesome my roommate wants to go get a tattoo so after I guess
Me: 02/03/2013 13:55:51 What time does your cousin want to go get one
Her: 02/03/2013 14:09:42 Like at 3:30 I think
Me: 02/03/2013 16:19:04 Ok I'll prolly leave here at 5. So lets meet up at the xyz stop at 6.
Her: 02/03/2013 16:22:14 Oh god am too sick
Me: 02/03/2013 16:23:45 Aww beb do you want me to bring you something. I will take care of you.
Her: 02/04/2013 00:46:33 Am never drinking again
Joined: 02/04/2013
your missing
your missing qualification/comfort

also the norm in this text is flaking. shes used it and she will flake more because its the same old conversation.
Joined: 02/04/2013
your missing
your missing qualification/comfort

also the norm in this text is flaking. shes used it and she will flake more because its the same old conversation.
Joined: 01/18/2012
I feel like what would serve
I feel like what would serve you the best here would be to simply stop referring to meeting up with her the same way every time. It makes it seem so robotic and awkward.

Cool. Lets meet up for a quick drink around 8 on Sunday.
(by itself this is fine. This is a style of getting a girl out, it displays it in a decently high-value way, ok good to go. Except..)

I'm running errands and then finishing up some work beb but let's make that quick $$$ at 9 tonight
We'll hang out for a lil bit punkin I have MAD work to do tonight

The "invite text" has that same hurriedness and anxious pushing for the meetup every time. It just gets weird after awhile.
LOL so true!! this is why we need to stick to my plan punkin. when are we meeting up to make this easyy money.
No worries lets meet up next week because I'm headed to Jersey for the weekend
Lol so what's your schedule look like this week bebe
Finally home :)....I feel like getting a margarita with a señorita. What time are we meeting up tonight bonita.
No worries things will be better. What's your schedule look like this weekend beb
Cool so lets meet up Sunday afternoon. Lets go to a brunch my friend is hosting at 3...freeee food
Lets stop by that brunch I was telling you about for like an hour.

Her: 02/03/2013 13:12:17 Do you want to do something later
Me: 02/03/2013 13:16:53 Yea get ready I'm gonna kick your ass at the arcade.
Me: 02/03/2013 13:18:18 Lets meet up at 8

Cool we can get tea and you can listen to me talk in a British accent. What time you want to meet up beb

Me: 02/03/2013 16:19:04 Ok I'll prolly leave here at 5. So lets meet up at the xyz stop at 6.
Her: 02/03/2013 16:22:14 Oh god am too sick

Very thinly disguised.. your distraction game wore very thin my friend.

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Yup. I agree with everything
Yup. I agree with everything Manwhore said here.

Just reading your texts, I read them and hear your rushed little voice saying those exact words.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 03/18/2012
I've read this over and over
I've read this over and over and over and over again as well.

Much appreciated. Yeah my text game is mad robotic and awkward. Which is weird because my in-person game is as dynamic as can be. But yes oral and written communication are two different things.

I'm such a lazy nig. Been reading this text game e-book JMULV referenced - shit's mad thorough. For some one to write 150 pages on how to get a date - I'm like damn you might as well start taking this shit seriously.
Joined: 01/18/2012
Which text game book?
Which text game book? Braddock's?

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Joined: 03/18/2012
Joined: 01/18/2012
How have you never read that
How have you never read that one before..

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

Tap Or Click For Personal Coaching Information

Joined: 03/18/2012
On some real shit I never
On some real shit I never even heard of it until JMULV mentioned it..

Its a fantastic product. mad fuckin thorough.

reading it is quite painful though. I see months - fuck - yearssss of mistakes I've been making.

Now when you used to say "your text game always seems like you're trying to fit a square peg into a round hole" - i'm finally like EPIPHANY. I understood what you said back then, but then when I read up on short/medium/long fuses I was like OOOOOOOOOOOOO. I finally fucking get it.

The more I think about it, an advanced/elite player should be using a variety of sources to learn game (RSD + Manwhore & Love Systems). Even someone like Julien, when I listen to his YouTube videos - its more than obvious that he's spent a boatload of time reading up old Mystery Method tactics and integrating them with nu-school RSD tactics.

You just really need a variety of angles to understand abstract concepts HOLISTICALLY sometimes.

Funny how this concept translates to learning other stuff. For example when I'm learning web development - I often find that I have to supplement my school's curriculum (which is really thorough) with a variety of other web development tutorials/supplements to fully grasp a concept.
Joined: 03/18/2012
Me: 02/06/2013 16:09:03 Contemplating whether or not I should still keep you in detention
Her: 02/12/2013 16:25:09 Lol (sad face emoticon)
Me: 02/12/2013 15:54:19 we need to talk....I'm pregnant
Her: 02/12/2013 16:06:42 Well it ain't mine !! You better take that to Maury
Me: 02/12/2013 16:13:46 Fuck outta here! How you gonna play me like that..I'm about to call Maury right now.
Me: 02/12/2013 16:14:11 you better get ready to pay child support!!
Her: 02/12/2013 16:36:20 Yea right you better take yo ass to the welfare line
Me: 02/12/2013 17:34:31 Girl don't front I'm a bonafied OG hustler!!! Say that welfare shit again and you ain't stayin' on mah lease no more.
Her: 02/12/2013 17:52:31 Lol crazy bird
Me: 02/12/2013 18:29:53 Ha. Lets go grab a drink this week
Her: 02/14/2013 20:08:10 K

Probably crack a quick joke as a feeler text and then be like "Cool. Let's meet up for a drink on Saturday at 8."

She suggests another time.

Then I'll go "If you flake this time around I'm gone like the wind."