Silence, then shit test few days later
Met this girl at the club and was in set 30 mins. Escalated and made out for a few seconds. My text game needs work, but she randomly throws this shit test at me after 3 days silence. Racking my brains but can't figure out how to handle it.
[Sat 1pm] ME: Yo! Macquarie Fields. I've decided I'm going to wear a Zebra dress too.
Doesn't strike me as a shit test, looks like she's being flirty/curious about you like "omg who are you" I would just answer it in a humorous way.
The silence was though. She was expecting you to pursue when you didn't it forced her hand and she's showing interest. I would wait a few hours before a short humorous response.
Lol holmes you're doing so good but your meetup attempts are jarring. You got to be smoother with them. Especially that last one
Lol holmes you're doing so good but your meetup attempts are jarring. You got to be smoother with them. Especially that last one
My text game is shit and even i noticed lol.
dude thats not even a shit test, she just was trying to say whats up!
lol yeah - that's totally not a shittest. It's actually an amazing opening to go in some cool ass directions
Make something awesome up and then start a role-play
I mean, that's just what immediately came to my mind, and what I would do if I got that text