Sometimes you have to drop the ego and be Just a little bit "Political"
No matter what anyone tells you, if you want to be successful within a company, you need to be political. This isn't always easy. Especially for guys like us who are seriously fucking bad-ass.
In my personal life, I will straight up call people out with impunity. I'm direct as fuck, and don't mince my words. I address the issue, and tell the person why what they did is not okay. In business, you have to approach this kind of situation with delicacy. You have to take your metaphorical hammer of a personality, and trade it in for the chissel.
A situation recently occurred at my work, where a group of people were having thier salaries unfairly lowered. It didn't effect me, but I received the email explaining what was going on, from the founders of our company. It isn't right. So I wrote a super long, empassioned email and let the feminine side of my persoanlity run wild with an emotional knee-jerk response of an email.
I'm not blind to who I am though, and the more masculine side of myself, sat on the email for a day, to mull it over, and figure out the best approach. I went back and chisseled away at it, and reduced it to about 8 sentences, total. I also made a point to take the emotion out of it., and make sure it didn't come across like I was actively defending a group of people, and rather that I was promoting the best interestes of the company.
You see - in the same way that we want to reduce our ego, in game.... I had to reduce my ego in this situation. My feminine ego wanted to yell and scream at these guys for what they were trying to do. The masculine ego side of me wanted to punch them in the fucking face. I can't help it- when I see a group of people, especially people I'm close with, getting fucked with, or devalued, it REALLY REALLY fucking gets to me. I'll do pretty much anything to protect them... literally can't help it.
The ego part of myself wanted the founders to know that I was writing the email in defense of the employees, but at the end of the day, that would be less helpful to the employees than disguising my approach using another tact. That's what it comes down to- always looking for where the ego is rearing its head, and figuring out what's actually best for the situation, and not just what's going to make your ego feel better, emotionally. In a sense, that knee-jerk response, would have been more for MYSELF than for the people I actually, deep-down, wanted to protect. It would have been ME making the situation about ME, and in the process putting everyone on the defensive and ruining any chance for a dimplomatic solution.... Classc pottedflowers
But I thought it through, removed the emotion, reduced the length of the email, and completely re-worded it to have the attack come from a completely different angle, and be a little more "stealthy". The result is that my ego was put in check, and I actually was able to make progress towards helping the people I wanted to protect. I love when this kind of situaiton happens, because it's as if no matter what the response is, you know you did the right thing, so there is complete and utter calm surround the decision. That's where I'm at right now with it.
Well done, and nice post. These are similar adjustments to ones that I've worked to integrate into my own style of doing business. It might be the single most important lesson for success IMO. You end up with a reputation as the guy who is clearheaded and cool. That's the guy you want to be, he's the guy that everyone wants to attend the meeting, he can ground the whole room. Also, when the day comes that a situation does evoke an emotional response, you better believe people are going to take it seriously.
Yeah, I completely agree - it's very important for professional success. That could easily be part of the reason that females lack the #'s in positions of power that guys do- they are perceived as not being as "clear-headed".
- I also learned fairly quickly to rsepond to almost any request, no matter how small, with, "Give me some time to think about it".. but this shouldn't be construed for not being able to pull the trigger on important decisions that need an answer now, but even with those decisions, I'll often-timsetake 30 seconds to think., or even 10 seconds. Rather than having a knee-jerk reaction.
That being said - My intuition is pretty fantastic, so if need be, I have zero issue going straight with that. I just have made efforts to combine my intuition with emotionless, thoughtful consideration.
Very true, I have experience with this as an ex-Fraternity President. The most important thing is how you phrase things. Especially in non-direct communication because you can't neccessarily express tonality and cadence over texts and e-mails.
Buddha, you should watch House of Cards if you haven't seen it. It deals with this exact subject.
Great fucking post man. Awesome.