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SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many numbers Trouble getting meetups (I feel so close)

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Bennn's picture
Joined: 09/26/2012
I've easily gotten hundreds of numbers. Just these past couple days I got 10. Here's a lil snippet of what I said to each of them:

HBAverage: I just wanted you for sex. really liked you

HBCindy: Saw a little philipino girl. Thought of you

HBJ (This girl is not hot at all but her friend is - no idea how I will work it but i might as well send something): What up girl. How's thug lyfe?

HBGasStation: Saw a complicated math problem. Thought of you

HBLauren: Saw a bottle of water. Thought of you

HBSubway: Saw a subway today. Cried and thought of you.

HBCute: Heard a lil wayne song today. Cried and though of you.

HB Trixie: I was really turned on by you the other night.

HBMexico: Whatsup. I was at a coffee place and I thought bad thoughts about you.

HBNikki: Had fun eating your face - Might be in the city this weekend.


Of these HBTrixie (God that sounds like a stripper name) HbMexico and HBSupermarket responded.

Me: I was really turned on by you the other night
HBTrixie: LOL hey and good to know :p
Me: I wanted to do bad things to your sexy little ass Trixy.
Me: It's reallyblunt but do you wanna get something to eat. Believe it or not I'm charming in public and I have nothing lined up.
HBTrixie: LMFAO sure could be fun
Me: You remember my name.
Me: I wanted to do bad things to you
Me: (Call - no answer)
HBTrixie: Sorry I didn't pick up. CLass.
HBTrixie: And it's Benjamin
Me: Good job. Where do you go to school
HBTrixie: LOL at (University) in (Town)
Me: That's really close to my dad's not going to be able to meet you until 10 though
Me: Don't wanna keep your sexy ass up. I'll get you in trouble.
HBTrixie: LOL what do you mean 10?
Me: 10 pm
HBTrixie: I know but are you in (Town) at 10?
Me:Ya do you live with your family
HBTrixieYea in (town) mad ghetto right lmfao.
Me:This complicates things
HBTrixie: LOL Really
Me: What's your address
HBTrixie: 0.o Why?
Me:Didn't mean to creep you out.
Me:Just want to see how far you are.
HBTrixie:Lol by (Blank andblank town)
Me: I don't care what we do - I just want to kiss the shit out of you
HBTrixie: lol you should get to know me first.
Me: Of course. You still in class
HBTrixie:Nope I'm going home now
Me: (Call - no answer)
Me: I'm bad at texting. How do you feel about a guy with a beard.
HBTrixie: uhhh idk I don't really like it.
Me: (Call no answer)
Her: I'll call you when I'm not busy how about that lol.
Me: But I'm shyyy

One day later

Me: Tu habla espaneol Trixie
HBTrixie: Clara Ke si
Me: I'm learning Spanish Cds and everything.

GODDAMNIT WTF AM I DOING. This was so boring to type up - It's not even the girl that I want - I just want to have fun and gain better text skills


Bennn's picture
Joined: 09/26/2012
Also: HBSuperMarket (Met
(Met her for 6 minutes at a Supermarket and got her number)
Me:Saw sushi thought of you (saw her with sushi at supermarket)
HBSupermarket:lol did you get to eat it?
Me:Na. Near (Town) to workout - wanna hang out after
Me (13 minutes later): Holy shit just got the lamest movie.
HBSUperMarket: Can't tonight. Plans with friends. What Movie?
Me: It's a really old romance. tbh I think the librarian was getting wet and kept describing it to me more and more me so i just got it. Was kinda funny (True Story)
Me (Like 3 hours later): I got really vulger there. You ok with that HBSupermarket?
HBSupermarket: LOL vulger not my favorite. What movie is it. You never answered me.
Me: Splendor in the grass
HBSupermarket: Natalie Wood.
Me: You dork - no way you totally googled that. (10 pm)

8am today

HBSupermarket: Haha yep. IMDB
Me: Saw your twin at starbucks.

Fuck what am I going for. I want to meet her, watch this movie and make sweet lovvevevevev.

and lastly HBMExico
(Met her at club - made out - and rubbed eachothers naughty bits.)

Me:Was at a coffee place and thought bad thoughts about you
HBMexico: Why??
Me:It's good thoughts aboutrubbing my body against yours pressing you up against me.
HBMexico: Haha what are you trying?
Me:Just being honest. I like you
HBMexico: I know you are being so honest.
Me: Got some spanish cds at the library and thought of you
HBMexico: Sounds good, so you really are learning spanish. (8 52 pm)

Next day (12 05 pm)
Me: Si mi espaneol es muy bueno.

I feel that this is the girl that It's most on with. There is a bit of a language barrier but also some real chemistry.


Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Also: HBSuperMarket (Met
These are hilarious train wrecks man. Don't want to ruin your confidence so you don't try, because practice obviously makes perfect, but you've got to stop making obvious mistakes. You never apologize for making a bad joke or being "vulgar". That paints you as a MASSIVE dork, you can't do that. It makes you look completely unexperienced sexually. You HAVE to be vulgar sometimes. You can't apologize for it. If you do it means you're not that guy.

Your sexual escalation in that last part was so awkward. Geezez christ. For you to apologize for being "vulgar" and then to send that body rubbing text is just like.. serial killer status, lol.

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Bennn's picture
Joined: 09/26/2012
Please Hold Me Manwhore - I feel so lost
Totally thought you were going to say that my texting was close to on point.

The girl I apologized to was HBSupermarket not the girl I told that I wanted to rub my body against hers (HBMexico).

I asked Hbsupermarket if I was being too vulgar. Just kind of wanted to do any random thing - figured she'd say "No not at all - I don't mind" I guess my mind works like a porno.

but I Never apologized to HBMexico (The girl that I told I wanted to rub my body against hers) - just told her I'm honest.


Bennn's picture
Joined: 09/26/2012
Things are actually getting better - mexican girl is down to meet up tonight

she said I'll let you know -Kind of a pain in the ass tbh.

So aside from the whole asking if being vulgar am i doing ok
