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Taking a risk with a true 9/9.5 (The Girl In The Red Dress)

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Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Me: Hey beb, you're pretty cute for a northwestern girl ; ) -(Handsome Blondie @1oak)
Girl - 32 mins later: Hahah thanks...great to meet you--look forward to seeing you again ;)
Me - 3 hrs 21 mins later: Lmao, so what are you doing in the city... besides seducing gorgeous, Blonde haired men ; )
Girl - 20 hrs 16 mins later: Sorry for the delayed response. Im in media, looking for a job. Btw seducing men is a full time occupation ;)
Me - 5 hrs 7 mins later: Lmao, guess im a sucker for the seducing type, but ill make sure to be careful... maybe its best if we keep our distance ;b

Okay, so I met this girl at the club where I got the free table. This is the chick who was holding hands with her promotor//host daddy... who I proceeded to just completely dominate. Told her, "You need to let go of his fucking hand" and she did. Then proceeded to makeout with her.

Anyway- Katalyst was there.. we have dubbed this girl, "The chick in the red dress" (Both becuase of the deep metaphorical connection to the matrix... but also becuase... she was wearing a red dress...) But yeah... this girl was in katalyst's eyes, "A 9" and in my super subjective eyes... a FUCKING STUNNER

So anyway- I basically took a risk with this last text. But at the same time, I feel that this is really fucking BOMB texting so far. Like i feel that we are operating on the EXACT SAME emotional/flirty wavelength... I think it was enough playful push that she's going to respond to it accordingly. We'll see.

One thing I like is that I never get in that zone of "playing it safe" with these girls. I'm willing to push this shit and try new stuff if it means I learn and can be better in the future...

Thoughts anyone?

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 03/18/2012
Re: Taking a risk with a true 9/9.5 (The Girl In The Red Dress)

She was fine mann. Use that awesome text game of yours to get her out. Make that your new reality :)
Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Taking a risk with a true 9/9.5

Me: Victoria, what's your schedule look like this comin week
Girl - 6 mins later: You free tomorrow?
Me - 2 mins later: I got boxing in the morning and lunch planned with a friend. Lets grab a drink in the evening though- plus ill be more tired, so easier to seduce ; )
Girl - 12 mins later: Hahaha done how about Lavo at 6?
Me - 7 mins later: Lmao. Meet me outside the Biergarden in meatpacking. We'll grab a drink there and then figure out our next move


It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Taking a risk with a true 9/9.5 (The Girl In The Red Dress)
Stop doing the whole "figure out our next move". You've got too much rapport with these chicks you need to be more dominant. You're actually inviting her not to fuck you when you do this. Congratulations. You're not getting laid tomorrow!!

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Taking a risk with a true 9/9.5 (The Girl In The Red Dress)
^^ I lol'd

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Taking a risk with a true 9/9.5 (The Girl In The Red Dress)

Okay, so what does less rapport look like. I didn't even know that WAS rapport lmao.

Sometimes I get really fucking pissed at your responses and want to just say this:

"Manwhore- you are a giant faggot and what you just said makes no fucking sense to me"...

But I still love you.

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Taking a risk with a true 9/9.5 (The Girl In The Red Dress)
Ok, do you see what I mean about the "our" part. You need to be leading.. "I've got a plan" etc.

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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Buddhagames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Re: Taking a risk with a true 9/9.5 (The Girl In The Red Dress)

yeah I see that part... I actually thought about that when I was typing it... lol literally the thought that went through my head was, "How do I phrase this, saying it's 'my' plan..."... "Eh, fuck it, it doesn't really matter"...

It's Just Something You Have To Do If You Want To Be Great- Manwhore

"Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it."

Joined: 01/18/2012
Re: Taking a risk with a true 9/9.5 (The Girl In The Red Dress)
Naw it really doesn't most of the time. Except in your case it does, haha

I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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