Teleconference today
Yo that was pretty shitty. Then come to find out Buddhagames, Meow and Patrick.Bateman were having their own teleconference? LOL
We had a couple good spiels in there but it never got off the ground. Next time I need everyone to message me at "manwhore.teleconference" so we can get organized. Derp. I never knew who was on or available.
nah dude I got on at like 9:24 cuz I got home late from soccer, and I called on an Bateman was the only one there lol. We weren't having our own conference
Why didn't you message me? The conference call sounded like a baby birds' nest. And then Aquitas is watching soccer while masturbating..
Masturbating while watching HIMYM, actually. Robin is hawt.
Why didn't you message me? The conference call sounded like a baby birds' nest. And then Aquitas is watching soccer while masturbating..
I thought it was over already
Yeah still had a couple good points tho, would've been nice to expand on them a bit more. I was on my way home from long wknd festivities so I had a pretty ghetto setup.
Was looking forward to listening in about the topics you listed, we still going to do that maybe next week?