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TESTIMONIAL: MW Training Program Review: A 6-Year Reflection

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Joined: 08/25/2024

I went through the training program almost 6 years ago, which gives me insight into the long-term improvements and changes it's had in my life. It has helped me tremendously in my dating life, as well as in my social and professional life. I joined the program because despite spending time, energy, and money on other programs and methods, I felt stuck. In retrospect, it was because most other programs are surface level and don't address the root of the problem. This program is different. MW has years of experience helping students overcome their personal sticking points, mindsets, and habits that hold them back. He addresses the fundamentals instead of forcing you into cookie-cutter routines or hoping you figure things out on your own.

The program is comprehensive and practical. It teaches you everything you need to know to overcome whatever is holding you back, focusing on building real confidence. For me, the drills that stood out were the verbal drills. They were crucial in helping me overcome my mental blocks around the fear of "having nothing to say." Drills like the ****, **** appreciation, and the ****-so stories drill were huge for me. After doing these regularly, it became almost second nature to come up with what to say next, and I stopped worrying about whether it was interesting enough. These exercises are invaluable for reinforcing new habits and mindsets. The idea is to get these things down to second nature so when you're doing the infield practice, you can apply what you've learned in real-life situations. This methodology is what leads to lasting and real changes.

The concept of holding my own frame and coming to terms with the frames I rejected and accepted gave me a ton of perspective and realization about my self-esteem. I started to truly understand what self-confidence was about and stopped people-pleasing by allowing others' frames to override my own. This, alongside the lessons from practicing the power of now, gave me a presence and self-awareness that put me on the path to owning my own shit and being cool with it.

The weekly write-ups were significant in getting me out there and approaching women. They motivated me to get out the door instead of sitting on my ass, letting the fear of rejection and screwing up stop me. Seeing the advice in practice and actually work solidified a lot of the teachings and put everything into focus.

What sets this program apart is MW himself. He gives you actionable advice and strikes the right balance between patience and understanding while challenging you when needed. He genuinely wants to see you succeed, and his guidance cuts straight through what would take a long time to figure out on your own. You are who you surround yourself with, and having MW as a coach is well worth the money.

Reflecting years later, the program has had a lasting positive impact on my self-confidence and drive. Before the program, I had confidence and neediness issues that bled into more than just my dating life. The training changed me for the better and enabled me to live the dating life I always wanted. I met someone with whom I've had an amazing long-term relationship, and I honestly believe that without the program, I not only wouldn't have started dating her, but my old negative mindsets and hang-ups would have sabotaged the relationship. Thank you, MW. You changed my life

Joined: 01/18/2012
Glad we were finally able to

Glad we were finally able to get this testimonial up!

There's some hacker shenanigans afoot that kept deleting your user profile before you could post. This one better stay!

I probably should have made the point a long time ago that the training program isn't necessarily designed to make a guy a "super player" with women, simply because this is just not what most men want from women. Most men just want to have a solid relationship with a single girl and feel empowered to have the kind of masculine connection and relationship he wants with her. The majority of men are naturally very fond of women, protective, cherishing, etc. But there's a large area of male/female relationship dynamics that is entirely absent from mainstream knowledge, and largely inaccessible. Young boys and men aren't instructed in handling the opposite sex, or maintaining healthy relationships. This is to their massive detriment, and society's.

The current "balance" of masculine vs feminine social justice is not correct or proper, or even viable. There's been a massive push the last several years to assert a predatory feminism onto politics and society. What's so bizarre is the forces at work here are actually completely anti-woman, anti-family, anti-society. They're communists. Communism typically attempts to force a matriarchal hierarchy onto a population because it helps them control it better. Communism's taken over the medical industry, education, the media, the legal industry, etc. Communism always fails. And that's the point. It's parasitic, it's the forced devolution of a society and nation to prey upon it. Every societal mechanism gets bought and monopolized and turned into a tool of systemized usury.


I go in and I'm crisp, clean and my vocals are fucking coming out like music. - Anonymous MW student

- Autismus Terminus Finis (Root Cause/Cure of Autism Epidemic)

- Called Off My Wedding & Other Turn Tail Signs Of The American Male

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