Text Buddies
Curious as to what you guys think I should do in this situation I'm having:
i been talking king to a few girls I've known for quite some time. Initially things didn't go anywhere, I was still learning about game etc. So I took the rejections and I guess I sort of became friends with some of the girls and I don't exactly have a problem with being friends with them but I do think it's weird they never come and hang out with me even though it's been established that we are just friends. It's like I'm stuck in "Text Buddy" territory with some of these girls. I have on a few occasions asked them to casually chill even though they know we are just friends and they almost brush it off or say no. Maybe they believe I have a hidden agenda or something, in which I don't. I mean yeah they are attractive, but I kind of got over wanting anything more than to just be friends with them.
How would you go about breaking this frame? I heard it's quite difficult to get out of this loop.. Just curious about this subject I'm general cause I don't really get stuck I the "Text Buddy" frame anymore with new girls I meet but did when I originally started. Now girls either reply and I see them, or they don't reply or I mess up meeting them/hanging out in text.
On a side note, I have friends who use ultimatums to get a girl to come out but that seems a little reactive to me especially in the context they use the ultimatums (I saw some examples on their phones)
Well dude invite them to social gatherings otherwise yeah it's an obvious bait 'n switch. There are plenty of girls I get their numbers or meet them in whatever context and I invite them out socially and then we end up banging that way. There'll always be girls that when you first meet it ain't on but it becomes on. That's the whole premise behind social circle game.
Fair enough, I do actually see them at social gatherings in most cases. Maybe a one on one thing is too much pressure for them even if it's only a friend to friend context. Or I haven't built up enough social proof/value with that particular social circle.
Luckily for me, my focus has been social circle for the past month and it'll continue to improve I feel. So I guess I'll aim for those social gatherings until I can isolate them