text situation
Met a girl on the balcony of my local club at 1:45am and we hit it off chatting for 20minutes. She gave me her number with her full name saved next to it. We hugged and i kissed her on the lips for 2-3 seconds then she had to go. I sent her a text about 20minutes later which read "Whats up beb, i just got out of the club. Did you end up hitting the dancefloor? Trickassmark." but she never responded(she was somewhat drunk but definitely not blind drunk).
Today i guess i have a couple of options, i could text her again or i could just add her on facebook. If i did text her what style of text should i go with?
Ok mang, have you read this article: http://manwhore.org/how-to-text-a-girl-you-like/
Yeah ive read it but I still wasnt sure if i should send a funny one liner now or if i should send a text which referenced something we spoke about at the club(dont have much to draw from). Also would like your opinion on adding the girl on facebook.
Also i wasnt sure if my situation would be classified as re engagement because the girl never actually engaged in the first place?
I explicitly answer this question in #8