True Detective: Adequacy Beliefs vs Inadequacy Beliefs and How They Manifest
Ok guys. Right now I'm super tired and I have a big list of stuff that needs to get done. Since this was the easiest on the list, I figured I'd knock it out really quick. I'm breaking this post up into two, maybe even three parts, because I could almost write a book about it. Also, I've been a little hesitant to share this just because I'm afraid to lead anyone down an incorrect path (which ironically goes against the idea I'm going to share.) Maybe some of you will read this and go, "WELL DU'UH!" It's not even a "new" idea in the community. I've heard it before, but much less cogent. Actually all this is, is a simplifaction of a lot of things we talk about already. It ties in with Tolle a great deal in how he talks about presence vs unconciousness and the way in which it hit me wasn't even an original idea so much as a giant "CLICK" where everything made a ton of sense.
Even things like Jabronovich changing my mission statement from, "I will live a life of excellence..." to "I live a life of excellence" makes a super duper amount of sense to me now. He was shifting me from an inadequacy mindset to one of adequacy.
Inadequacy Beliefs
1. "[It's] transferrence of fear and self-loathing to an authoritarian vessel. It's catharsis."
2. "...You're not bad. It's not you. There's a weight and it's got it's fishhooks in your heart and soul. Now what you did, is not your fault. You were drug to the bottom by that same weight. The same weight that won't let you get along at your job, the same weight that won't let you get along in school, the same weight that wouldn't let you have a mom've got one way out. And it's through the grace of God. There is forgiveness for all, but you have to ask for it."
3. "I mean, I never really found it that hard. You just look at someone and think like they think. Negative capability." ~Rust Cohle
These are quotes from three different scenes in True Detective that tipped me off to what Rust was looking at, as well as his own beliefs. At the time this clicked for me, I was actually on Facebook and I noticed the advertisments. Through "presence" I observed how incredibly targeted they were at me personally and also how they were designed to play on my (assumed) inadequacy beliefs, therefore I should compensate by buying their stuff. Then I was like, "HOLY SHIT! That's how most people feel all the time!" And then I was like, "HOLY DANCING SHIT! That's what Rust is doing in True Detective!" and then, "HOLY SHIT! That's why... etc etc etc."
So the second quote is probably the most revealing. Let's break down what he's doing there. Take the first quote into consideration as well...
1. He appeals to the ego's "need to be right." Shuts down it's defenses by giving it what it wants.
2. He's feeds and builds on the inadequacy belief.
2. He suggests a compensation behavior (a confession, which pertains to the first quote.)
This leads to the point of this: Inadequacy beliefs manifest as compensation behaviors. <--VERY IMPORTANT
Inadequacy beliefs are nothing more than unconscious beliefs that you are inadequate in any given situation. You can see how Marty's inadequacy beliefs manifest throughout the show... from his anger at Rust mowing his lawn, to sleeping with that girl "for the good of the family." You can see compensation behaviors in almost every character... What people are trying to do here is what Tolle talks about when he says that the ego is trying to get its needs met, but it will never be satisfied. Now that you know this perhaps some of you guys can explain most (unconscious) people's behaviors in terms of compensation behaviors. A few of the myriad examples I've noticed:
-My dad being a huge packrat as well as needing to buy "stuff" all the time. Always wanting a new job or to live in a new place. Needing to transfer responsibility for his beliefs to "the church."
-The girl at work, who gives me obvious IOIs. I talk to her and find out she has no car and is unhappy with her boyfriend
-general gossiping and negative talk about others
-Seeking positions of power over others
-starting drama
-changing your behavior to fit the situation
-alchohol, sex and drug addictions
-criminal behaviors
-Meow's friend tooling on him to make himself feel more important
-Patrick Bateman's girl desperate to be in a relationship with him.
You can literally go on forever. In fact I can see a lot of this in the community in various forms. This post may seem very negative, because it kindof is. I'm trying to convey the belief systems that most people (including myself previously) are coming from. The temptation for some will be to read this and use it itself as a compensation behavior. IE, "That person is coming from such an inadequacy belief and I'm so above that nonsense." DO NOT DO THAT. That's yuck.
In my next post, I'll go over the right way to handle this, the positive side... Adequacy Beliefs and how they manifest. I think this is taking "delusional sense of coolness" to the next level. I've put a ton of thought into this (and tested it out as much as possible). One thing that came to me was that this is just a rehashing of Tolle. But the defining difference here, that I'm trying to get across, is that there is a level between FULL presence and autopilot behaviors. A belief system that you can rely on even if you're not fully present, which is adequacy beliefs. And then after that I will talk about some ways I've seen people and myself knock other people, at least temporarily, from inadequacy into adequacy.
Marty has a cool grounded view...Ive watched two episodes. He is unreasonable emotionally with his personal life but his world view is very reasonable.
Father in law "So you're telling me the world is not getting worse. Kids painting their eyes black, everything is sex"
Marty "You know, throughout history I bet every single old man said the same thing, and old men die, and the world keeps spinning."
SO TRUE. I find myself even believing that mindset sometimes. The conditioned consciousness is STUCK in beliefs like these
Marty's pretty awesome in his own way. I'm a Woody Harrelson fan. Like Manwhore said, "he's definitely got his good qualities" but I for sure don't think he's grounded. Just wait until you get farther into the show and you'll start seeing him displaying these behaviors. Rust on the other hand comes from adequacy beliefs, however he is very pessimistic, almost cold and calculating. That's just his character development throughout the show though.
Lol Yeah I WatchEd The Third One And No, He Is Not Grounded. Any Emotional Problem ImmediTely Sets Him Off. I Need A New Phone
Very cute beargrizz. Hold on let me get you some coloring books
Kick ass post, look forward to the rest
also note, sometimes Marshall's emotions get the better of him and he fucks his own shit up... But other times he uses the strong emotions to motivate him to take action. He wouldn't be able to do certain things if not for the pent of rage inside that festers when his mediocrity leads him to failing
^^Ok. Hold it. I can see you're not connecting. Why does Marty have that emotional response that causes him to act that way? Take the scene where he breaks into that girl's apartment. Can you explain that step by step?
Just saying he lets his emotions get the better of him is only skimming the surface.
Great post
On a macro level, I'd argue that a lot of guys get into game because they feel it will cover up their boyish and inadequate mannerisms that they percieve to be their identity (compensation). Guys start really exceling with game when they internalize the idea that they are masculine and adequate at the core, and that they simply need to learn to rid themselves of all the bullshit.
I don't know how correct this example is for what your trying to explain, but this is how I look at it.
I was watching gangland, and then I finally made the connection to how crime is related to inadequacy.
Most criminals feel as if they have been oppressed by the world, and will continue to be oppressed for whatever reason (race, poverty, etc.). So they use crime as compensation
Crime is the wrong word. Juvenile delinquency
yeah what I said probably does apply to juveniles a bit more
ugh I hate that word though. I had to go to a "juvenile review board" once :)
Great postOn a macro level, I'd argue that a lot of guys get into game because they feel it will cover up their boyish and inadequate mannerisms that they percieve to be their identity (compensation). Guys start really exceling with game when they internalize the idea that they are masculine and adequate at the core, and that they simply need to learn to rid themselves of all the bullshit.
I don't know how correct this example is for what your trying to explain, but this is how I look at it.
Yes. That's just about right. Although I think guys getting into game is actually an adequacy belief trying to find a way to shine through. If there's not some part of you that believes you can be good with women, you would never attempt to learn game. Instead, your compensation behaviors would manifest as internet porn, chodeliness and chauvinistic retaliation IE most guys out there.
So what I'm saying here is there is at least a tiny core of belief in you and in each one of us that needs to be developed into full belief in one's own adequacy.
Keep writing dude I want to see the next couple parts of this.
Meow wrote:
Great postOn a macro level, I'd argue that a lot of guys get into game because they feel it will cover up their boyish and inadequate mannerisms that they percieve to be their identity (compensation). Guys start really exceling with game when they internalize the idea that they are masculine and adequate at the core, and that they simply need to learn to rid themselves of all the bullshit.
I don't know how correct this example is for what your trying to explain, but this is how I look at it.
Yes. That's just about right. Although I think guys getting into game is actually an adequacy belief trying to find a way to shine through. If there's not some part of you that believes you can be good with women, you would never attempt to learn game. Instead, your compensation behaviors would manifest as internet porn, chodeliness and chauvinistic retaliation IE most guys out there.
So what I'm saying here is there is at least a tiny core of belief in you and in each one of us that needs to be developed into full belief in one's own adequacy.
god damn your right
Infinity can you explain this shit, I love your post, without using your 10$ words ?