Try To Get Lingerie Pics-Fail!!! Lets Learn From This
Hey guys,
I met this girl daygaming, right outside of Victoria’s Secret. My vibe this weekend has changed. It’s become more sexual, aggressive, eye contact like crazy. MW and I talked about it and I have the fury, of course thanks to MW. Anyways, this interaction was on from the start, you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. She was about to go shop for lingerie and I probably should have just gone lingerie shopping with her and escalated, but I didn’t think of the it. Anyways in the txt convo, I said fuck it and tried to get lingerie pics of her. Keep in mind I haven’t gone on a date w her yet and had just met her that day. It was a fail, but I want to learn from it. What should I have done differently? Are there any psychological fears/ worries I need to clear from the girl before asking for the pics? If yall have any experience with this, let me know. Thanks. Also, I know setting up the meetup was weak, but I let it slip a bit since the interaction was so on.
Me: Hey XXX, watching Wolf of Wall Street. Hope studying is as good…?? -XXX
Her: Hi XXX, wow have fun, I really wanted to watch that movie! Studying is going slowly lol reading so many papers for my thesis
Me: Lets meet up tmrw for coffee.
Me: You do need a study break after…Besides lingerie shopping
Her: Haha
Her: You’re such a teaser… Shopping re-energizes me for studying lol I have plans for tomorrow but we should def meet up sometime soon
Me: Haha, I still don’t trust your lingerie choice. I predict grannypanties
Her: Haha wow smart man :) well if you think so I wont burst your bubble… ;) I hate to destroy your cute innocent imagination lol
Me: Send me a pic, I have no clue the advances in lingerie tech
Me: In return, I’ll send you one of my pet rock
Her: You have bad judgement of people!!Lol im not that kind of girl, I apologize for giving the wrong impression.
Me: Np, it was all in humor. And I totally understand. My pet rock is super shy too.
No response.
Next Day
Me: Already beat 3/5 Chinese kids in snowball fights today. Manliness is through the roof.
No response
I dunno man I thought how you handled it was stellar. Just keep reengaging her something will bite. You also want to call her and leave a voicemail. Something smooth and totally casual, not asking for any kind of meetup, just a random story about your day, don't end it with "call me back" or anything like that. Then shoot her another text a few hours after that and you'll probably be on top again.