An understanding of tolle on how to sustain attention, being present while not in action opening yourself up to receive
Nothing new here but just change in perspective for me and a way of articulating what tolle is saying in a way that helps me put it into action better. The world is made up of tension. Every action that is taken creates tension. It’s important to be able to hold that tension be with it and play with it and finally release it. That’s what breathing is. That’s what sex is. It’s important as a man to create tension. It’s the default state of the masculine. However I’ve always had trouble with the other side. Receiving tension holding it til it’s ready to let go. I’m always creating tension always moving on to the next thing. Opening the next box without emptying the last one. Even food, I eat faster then anyone I’ve ever met never savoring that taste. Constantly thinking.
Listening to practicing the power of now always reveals new ideas to me. I’ll listen to it through one pass learn something and then that will open me up to learning the next thing. You can’t just learn it all at once. You have to be ready to understand the next idea by internalizing the last idea.
I’ve always had the hardest time paying attention. Adhd and all that comes along with it. Getting present while taking action has always been easier for me. Ie open enough sets gets the thinking mind to shut down and I enter a flow state. Always struggled with the opposite. Like learning through lectures and such. I lose a lot of sets because when I’m not talking cause I’m not there present with the girl. My mind is running thinking of the next thing to say or do. Not being in the moment.
So when tolle says to enter the present moment I would focus and concentrate and pay attention to everything happening around me or maybe I’d key in on a certain thing and only concentrate on that. To me this was now me entering into the present moment and it worked… sorta. In that state of focus and concentration you are able to block out distractions, your problems, past and future. This is what Tolle says should happen right? Problem is that concentration is not sustainable it’s tense.
Later on in the practicing the power of now tolle says to enter the body and to feel the body. To meditate and scan your body. He says to always leave some of your attention in the body. When I started to practice this I could get myself into a deeper level of meditation. A presence that would allow me to listen to my body. This experience led to the next level of internalizing what it means to be present. If my mind was racing and I was filled with negativity I learned to go to my body and see how it was feeling and what I found was that there was always an incredible amount of tension in the body that led to a negative state of mind. Maybe I was under slept or hungry or over worked. I learned to listen to my body and with that came a calming of the mind that allowed me to be more present.
Now recently I’ve been struggling to meld the two states above together. In the first state where I am aware of the outside ie someone speaking. I create tension through concentration and focus. The second state I find the tension get into it and let it go. But what if I am in a classroom setting. I can’t force myself to hold that tension for hours and so often I find myself off daydreaming and completely missing the lesson. I can’t go into my body because then my attention isn’t on what is being taught it’s on the body.
The next level of internalization has been the solution. I’ve been trying to see the world as nothing but energy/ tension. After all that is all it really is. Doing that really has been the next step for me. Once you realize that it becomes so much easier to enter the present moment. So in that class room example instead of baring down and trying to focus on every word the instructor is saying I sit back and just look for the tension. Ready to receive it. Not trying to memorize or sustain complete focus on what is being said just sit back and look for the tension. What I found was in this state I start to open myself up to receive. In this state I can listen for hours almost as if I am meditating. Without trying to listen to the words but just letting that tension come of the instructor I can sustain attention.
This is just the passive aspect of opening your self up for communication. I’m still fleshing out my thoughts on holding it and playing with it. Would Like to do a write up on that once it’s fleshed out.
Damn that last part's really fucking interesting can you go into more detail?
I believe that thinking is creating tension. If your goal is to listen it will be impossible to do both at the same time. I find that if I go down into my body, core and legs and feel that easing of tension. The exhale. I suddenly am present. Everytime. So to try make that my natrual state at all times I try to view the world as either the creation of tension or the release. I am either doing or not doing.
I believe that thinking is creating tension. If your goal is to listen it will be impossible to do both at the same time. I find that if I go down into my body, core and legs and feel that easing of tension. The exhale. I suddenly am present. Everytime. So to try make that my natrual state at all times I try to view the world as either the creation of tension or the release. I am either doing or not doing.
Nice. Yeah sounds like you're taking active control over your brain and thinking, that's great. Always boggles my mind when people want to associate meditation with just letting the mind do whatever it wants, "observing thoughts as they come with no judgment". Fucking weak hogwash. Turn it OFF.
Lol love that pic on the right of your banner XD
MW casually taking a selfie post threesome Lolol
Lol love that pic on the right of your banner XD
MW casually taking a selfie post threesome Lolol
Crazy fucking story behind that one