UPDATE: Girl who texts but won't meet up. FEEDBACK PLZ?
I'm a stubborn sonofabitch. And this girl is not giving me reason to quit. Also I'm trying to learn as much as possible from this. I've been putting some serious thought into my text game. Please read the original post for the back story on this particular girl.
Basically I saw from my original texting that my frame REALLY SUCKED. So here, my goal was to solidly set the frame. She gave me the perfect opportunity to do it and damn, just look at her attitude change...
Me: (Picture of me in the pool drinking beer) Let's drink beer and go swimming
Her: Lol. And sit in the Walmart parking lot!
Me: The only reason we sat in the parking lot was cuz SOMEBODY had to use the bathroom. instead of going in the pool like a normal human being.
Her: Lol
Me: So is walmart the place you only take the special guys to?
Her: Lol. Only the ones I want to kidnap haha jk
Me: Lol I knew you only wanted to kidnap me, use me for your pleasure and leave me in a ditch
Her: I even told you haha! Just remembered. Uhm...but at least somewhere someone can find you
Me: It's the little things like that, that make you a sweetheart
Her: Lol
Me: Working today?
Her: I did. I have a 13 hour day tomorrow
Her: When's your birthday?
Me: Crazy. It was day before yesterday
Her: Aw no way! I missed it!! Sorry. Happy late bday
Her: I been meaning to ask... To see your zodiac sign
Her: Ahw man you're not old man now jk
Me: Haha. I'm only bsing. It's february 17. We had this discussion. you're a leo
Her: I forgot
Her: Meany
Me. You love me
Me: We're opposite signs lol
Her: That makes sinse xp jk haha
Her: Are you looking it up lol?
Me: Yup. you're just not intellectually stimulating enough for me, according to this astrology thing.
Her: Ha Balogna!!
Her: You are reading false information my friend
Her: Trust me...I can stimulate.
Me: Quote... "The individualistic aquarian baffles the fiery leo." Hahaha
Her: Baffles as in they do really weird stuff I can't understand. Like... wearing a helmet backwards. I'm just kidding
Her: ....or a thong xp. ...backwards
Me: Haha! Maybe there was an intellectually valid reason for wearing the helmet backwards... like, so the leo couldn't see him smirking :)
Me: What does it look like when u put a thong on backwards, I'm just curious. Send me a picture
Her: Oh goodness haha. I can see that. Lmao idk I haven't tried...I don't think I ever will try that ha. It took awhile to get use to em THE RIGHT WAY lol. Sweet dreams
Me: Oh cmonnn. I'm a creature of flesh n blood. I don't apologize for it... Can I get a thong pic THE RIGHT WAY ON??
I wouldn't have responded to the last text she sent.
Don't feel like you have to respond to every text.
So I'm assuming you want to meet up with her? I haven't seen a single meetup attempt. The banter is very good, mutual attraction and compliance. Take her to Taco Bell
Hahahahha. " Take her to taco b. "
I second that notion. Or, chucke cheese.
Thanks guys. Taco Bell and chuck e cheese are not outside my options. Neither is Peter Piper Pizza.
This text convo happened SO fast. This whole convo took place over about an hour and 30 minutes. I had my goal of meeting up in the back of my head but I was really focused on establishing HER as the one chasing ME before I went ahead and suggested she come out with me. I was a bit surprised at how easy that was.
Manwhore. Am I correct in assuming that you're working at least two things in your text game?
1)Maintaining your frame and 2)working toward your goal of getting the meetup
The way I'm thinking of it is, the frame is the environment that needs to exist to allow you to push for the meetup successfully?
So, before... I was trying to get the meetup but didn't have the frame in place to do so. But in this convo I did the opposite and established the frame but didn't push for the meetup?
Yeah that's pretty much it.. I could tell this convo was happening very quickly but you want to seed a meetup while you're getting that much compliance, otherwise you have to use Inception on her later. A lot harder