Used to kill it Now im getting friendzoned by every girl
Fri, 08/12/2016 - 19:03
I dont know why but women are friendzoning me left and right
Theres no tension
no attraction
Please manwhore help
Fri, 08/12/2016 - 19:41
give interaction
give interaction details/anecdote
Sun, 08/14/2016 - 04:45
I had this happen to me
I had this happen to me recently. I found out that I had dropped my dominance and sexual escalation had gone to shit. Being super dominant from the open has again really changed how my interactions pan out
Sun, 08/14/2016 - 04:53
Absolutely. ^
Absolutely. ^
Mon, 08/15/2016 - 14:46
hmmm how can i be dominant in
hmmm how can i be dominant in an invisiable manner? is it the eye contact
Mon, 08/15/2016 - 17:14
Invisible dominance...
Invisible dominance...