Vblog: Amoging Tactics
This was for the guys from RSDnation. This is part I:
From RezznT!:
-If some guy enters your set, starts macking your girl and she starts giving him attention. How do you get her attention back on you without becoming reactive to him? Was she just not enough "in your reality" to begin with?
-This isn't exactly a how to deal with amogs question, but... If you're talking to some chick, pump her BT up and she/her friends decide they want to go do some other shit in the bar and for some reason you can't go with them, then later in the night you see her talking to some other guy. How do you get her away from him?
-Does owning small furry animals make your dick smaller?
From Thiaan:
I alway try to ingnore the AMOG and just keep firing game at the girl and out compete him or if the guy is too envasive to ignore to engulf the agression with positive playful energy that's not aimed -directly- at the guy but still overwhelms him.
This seem to work fine for me but i'm interested in your view of if i'm missing something by never being full on serious-faced confrontational with guys which would seem to me would just make the guy more agressive and shut the girl out...
From adjunkie:
1) My homie and I pulled a couple girls awhile back, and along with them came their male friend. He didn't do anything overtly, and hardly said anything the entire time. Thing is, he wouldn't leave. How do you handle the passive guy that is trying to "look after" his friends.
2) How to deal with brothers and/or fathers
3) How to be the amog. Stealing girls.
From Mikeler:
What's the most effective martial art in street fights?
Are Hapkido and Kung Fu good?
From TheAmazingNewbie:
I am scared to death of Jiu Jitsu fighters who go to clubs just to Amog other people, what should I do?
From Raev:
How do I NOT get into a fight?! Ive had some experience where the guy threatens me and jerks himself at me to imply a fight, but I gave the Jame's bond non-chalant vibe, totally un-reactive.
Is being un-reactive a big part of not getting in fights? Not apologetic or threatening or witty, just icey cold.