Vipassana body scanning
Hey guys, so ive really gotten into vipassana body scanning, and its really changing my life. Basically you bring awareness to each body part from head to toe, and when you do think which will ultimately happen you bring awareness behind the eyes and feel the sensations and your present, try it out guys!
I learned a variation of this exercise in the U.S. Army as a means of curing insomnia. The problem is that the unconscious system of muscles involved in maintaining upright posture and proper muscular/skeletal support stubbornly retains residual muscular tension even when we're trying to relax. Doing this sort of "body scan" brings awareness to the part of the body holding tension so it can be released. The more often this exercise is practiced the more quickly aware of their own body a person becomes and the faster and more effective they become at this "relaxation" technique.
Yea man, as weird as this sounds, after I finish my meditation and open my eyes, some of the time I feel my awareness expands to every corner of the room. Im not imagining this, it actually directly feels like that. There are also ten day meditation retreats based on vipassana body scanning and ive heard Osho say that this form of meditation has made many people enlightened including the Buddha himself
Yeah that's a very solid sensory focusing exercise.